Profile Editor |
Not all attributes detailed in this topic will be visible to all users. Some items are visible only to members of the Site Administrators, Security Administrators, or Dashboard Management site-level roles. For more information on the roles referenced in this section please see the role based security topic.
For end users who wish to update their account details navigate to the profile editor from the portal navigation menu. Administrators can access the profile editor to edit account details from the Account Manager, Account Audit, Windows Account Manager, and Role Manager modules.
•First Name (*): Required. First name of the end-user. This name will be visible on the portal navigation menu and in the system event audit tools.
•Last Name (*): Required. Last name of the end-user. This name will be visible on the portal navigation menu and in the system event audit tools.
•Primary Phone: Primary phone number and where help desk will attempt to reach you at if you need to submit a technical support ticket.
•Cell Phone: Cell phone number and where help desk will attempt to reach you at if you need to submit a technical support ticket and cannot be reached at your primary phone number.
•Fax: Fax number
•Title: Your title as it will appear to other users in discussion groups and other collaborative modules.
•Company Name: The name of your company for corporate users.
•Address Line 1: Mailing address line 1.
•Address Line 2: Mailing address line 2.
•City: Mailing address city.
•State/Region: Mailing address state or region.
•Country: Mailing address country name or abbreviation.
•Postal Code: Mailing address zip code or postal code.
•Default Dashboard: Specifies which dashboard the end-user will default to upon logon.
•Alternate Phone: Phone number associated with primary method of payment.
•Alternate Email: Email to send billing notifications to if you do not want them sent to your registered account email address.
•Billing Name: The name on the account associated with primary method of payment.
•Billing Address Line 1: Billing address line 1.
•Billing Address Line 2: Billing address line 2.
•Billing City: Billing address city.
•Billing State/Region: Billing address state or region.
•Billing Country: Billing address country name or abbreviation.
•Billing Postal Code: Billing address zip code or postal code.
•Birth Date: Birth date is used only for verification of payment.
This shows the list of roles to which the account is assigned. Administrative accounts can designate additional roles or remove role assignments. When viewing the list of active roles available for assignment it is important to note that all site-level roles and only those dashboard-level roles for the current dashboard will appear in the list. Administrative users simple choose one or more roles from the drop down list and click to assign the account to those roles.
•Domain: Logon domain used to validate credentials. Only administrative users can edit this attribute.
•User Name: Logon name in the previously specified domain. Only administrative users can edit this attribute.
•Hosting Group Membership: Enumeration of all groups for which the configured account has membership in the configured domain.
Hosting-related information used in various modules to authenticate your Windows domain account on servers in the pasUnity Enterprise Data Center. This information is used by the Hosted Application and File Explorer modules as well as our Single Sign On authentication system.
•Is Active: Determines whether the account is currently enabled. Only active accounts permit authentication and receive notifications.
•Is Policy Exempt: Determines if the account is exempt from password aging and password change policies. Only Site Administrators and Security Administrators can change this setting.
•Storage Limit (MB): The limit in megabytes of personal storage that the end-user has for loading content to their personal tab.
If a user pressed the button the account will be validated and updated in the database. In some cases, this will also close the profile editor depending on how it was opened. This button will only appear if a password change is not required for the account.
When opened by an administrative user there will also be delete , clone, and potentially impersonate and Email Password Reset buttons. To use the clone feature edit an existing account, enter overrides for the existing field values including the first name, last name, and email fields which are mandatory, and press clone to create a new account with the same role membership as the original account. Email Password Reset will set a temporary password on the account and email the user. A password change will be required on the next logon.
If a user selected the Update Passwords button, the Password Manager will open allowing a user to change their pasPortal credentials and, if the user has a hosting account, hosting credentials.
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