




pasPortal is a hierarchically arranged content management system.  In addition to having the content hierarchy there are also a series of navigation menus


Navigational Structure


The navigational and organizational structure of pasPortal follows the hierarchy: host => dashboard => tab => module


Modules represent the content that you consume.  These vary in form and usage from simple announcement viewers to complex integration management tools.  Typically, you interact with modules to read or share data with other portal users.


Tabs are the mechanism by which related modules are grouped and secured.  Tabs are the top level of assignment for permission management for most modules.


Dashboards are the highest level of content organization within the portal and contain collections of tabs used to organize additional content.  A single dashboard typically represents a top level unit of organization for a customer.  The dashboard is the organizational level that holds the definitions of roles and applications and other cross-tab content items.


Hosts are the names that you use to access pasPortal content via the URL in your browser.  For example, in the URL the host name is  Some customers may receive a vanity host name they can use in the URL to access the portal such as which tailors the experience for a specific company by limiting the list of available dashboards and setting one of those dashboards as the default view.


Portal Navigation Menu


The portal navigation menu is the black menu that appears at the top of the page regardless of your location in the portal and contains functions used to administer your account.




Home:  Press home to return to the default tab of your default dashboard. You can set your default dashboard at any time from within the profile editor.

Subscriptions:  Subscriptions allow you to track content for changes and manage how you are notified when that content changes.

Dashboard Switch:  You can view a list of available dashboards and switch between them from the dashboard switch.

Logon/Logoff:  To start your pasPortal session press the logon button.  To terminate your current session, press the log off button. You will need to re authenticate the next time you visit the portal.

My Profile:  The profile editor is where you go to tell us a bit about yourself and customize your experience, change your password, manage subscriptions, and view your permissions.

Help:  Opens this comprehensive help system with complete documentation on the user interface, solution administration, and technical implementation details.

Search: From the search page you can locate authorized content available in the current dashboard and access advanced search capabilities such as proximity and inflectional search.

Feedback:  We want to know what you think. Submit feedback on your experience, suggest a new feature, or comment on an existing one.

Blogs: Blogs keep you up to date with information, insights, announcements, news, and general commentary.

Diagnostics:  If you are having trouble our help desk technicians may instruct you to navigate to the diagnostics page to collect useful information about your browser and your connection. 


Dashboard Navigation Menu


The dashboard navigation menu is the purple menu that appears below the portal navigation menu.  This menu is used to navigate around content in a specific dashboard.



Dashboard Content

User's Tab


Site Admin


The dashboard navigation menu displays the list of tabs you can navigate to from your current security context.  What you will see at this level will vary radically based on how the dashboard you are currently in is structured.  There are three different types of tabs. 


The first type of tab is the dashboard level tab.  These are the most common types.  If you switch from one dashboard to another the dashboard level tabs from the old dashboard will disappear and the tabs from the new one will appear in their spot.  Most dashboards are configured with a Welcome tab that serves as a basic help system for a new user and may be configured with additional usage instructions or welcome messages as defined by the system administrators.


The next type of tab is the personal tab.  Each user gets a single personal tab that contains private content just for them.  This tab remains present regardless of the dashboard that you are currently in.


The next type of tab is the site tab.  Site tabs are similar to personal tabs in that they are always visible to you regardless of what dashboard you are in but differ in that they are shared amongst other users.  The My... tab contains a wide range of content from self-help tools to product licensing to trouble ticketing tools.  To the right of the My... tabs are the site administration tabs.  These are typically restricted to dashboard or system administrators and are used to configure the pasPortal experience.


Module Menu


The module menu is context-sensitive menu accessible from the upper right corner of each individual content module.  Not all modules provide the full set of options and not all users will be able to see the full set of options as many of them are permission driven.







Help Content


Module Settings




Delete Module


Relative Rank


Refresh:  Click here to refresh the content within a specific module without using the F5 function of your browser to refresh the entire page.

Subscribe:  Click here to add a subscription to be notified of changes to a module.  This item is not available for all module types.

Help Content: Click here to open this help system and jump straight to a specific location within the help system that describes how the target module works.

Module Settings:  Click here to open the module settings editor that controls module layout and other specific configuration items.

Collapse/Expand:  Click here to indicate whether the content should be expanded or collapsed.  This writes cookies to your local device to customize the experience to that specific device.

Delete Module: Click here to remove a module from a tab.  In the case of many modules this will actually delete the content from the system.  USE CAUTION.

Relative Rank: Select a number in the drop down list to move the module up or down relative to its current position.


Global Iconography


Certain specific images are used globally throughout all aspects of the system to indicate common actions that can be taken on editable items.


Add : Clicking on this icon allows the user to add new data to the module.

Edit : Clicking on this icon allows the user to edit the current information in a module.

Cancel : Once edit button has been clicked on any module, you can click this icon to remove yourself from edit mode. This will not save any changes or additions made.

Delete : Clicking on this icon will delete the data input into the module.

Settings : This icon is typically used to designate the module settings menus and clicking on this icon will open a drop down menu with context-specific options


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