The pasTransfer Mapping Designer is used to design mapping sheets and lookup sheets used by the pasTransfer application.
Clicking on the name of a mapping sheet or a lookup table in the module will open the item for edit in a new browser tab in the Mapping Designer.
The mapping designer is divided into four functional areas in the following order: header, toolbar, notification and additional options, and the mapping designer.
The Header along the top will display general information about the selected mapping or lookup, such as the name and mapping type.
The Toolbar displays buttons for navigating different sections of the mapping, and buttons for checking the mapping in and out and manipulating the data.
The Notification and Additional Options area displays validation errors not specific to an individual row of data and mapping omission options.
The Mapping Designer contains the tables used to display and edit the data specific to mapping section selected.
The Mapping Designer uses a checkout system and displays buttons for checking out, saving, and checking in changes to the active item. When an item is checked out the original version is available to all users of the system except the checked out user who has access to the checked out version so they may perform testing prior to check in.
Items can also be cloned as long as a unique name is provided.
In order to edit an item, it must be checked out first. If the item is already checked out to another user, it cannot be edited until that user checks the lookup sheet back in or and administrative user rolls the change back for you.
Make sure that you do not forget to Save and Check In your changes when editing is complete. If you make a mistake you can Rollback Checkout to roll back your work.
Mapping Toolbar
The mapping toolbar changes dynamically based on the mapping type, the tab page you are on, the check-out status of the mapping, and other various criteria. Though the toolbar dynamically changes, several buttons are common across all mapping sheets and lookups regardless of the mapping page.
•Check-Out: Check out the mapping for edit. Only one user may check out a mapping at a time. During this time, all saved changes will not be visible to other users until the mapping is checked back in.
•Rollback: When the mapping is checked out, this will undo all pending changes and check the mapping back in.
•Check-In: When the mapping is checked out, this will accept all pending changes and check the mapping back in.
•Update: When the mapping is checked out and changes have been made this session in the editor, this will update the pending changes for the mapping but will not check it back in.
Proceeding the common buttons are dynamic buttons that appear based on the tab page that is selected.
•Add Row: Add a new row to the selected mapping table.
•Add Column: Add a new column to the mapping table. A new unique column name must be provided. Column names cannot interfere with any existing column names or use reserved names. Columns are stored in XML, so the column name must be a valid XML element name, and therefore cannot contain spaces.
•Clear Data: Delete all rows in the selected mapping table. A large amount of data can be affected by this, so user confirmation is required before the data is deleted.
•Reset Data: Reset all of your changes since last update. This does not roll back any pending changes that have been accepted. A large amount of data can be affected by this, so user confirmation is required before resetting.
Ledger Mappings
There are at least two and sometimes three distinct tab pages that can appear in the toolbar. These are the Indicators, Mappings, and Mapping Omissions. Clicking on the tab button will display that tab page in the editor. The mapping does not need to be saved when switching between tab pages, though it is recommended to save your work often.
Indicators: The indicators grid on the left hand side of the mapping tool is used to define source accounts and processing instructions and categorization at the account level.
•Account: The account code or account wildcard expression. An exact account number can be entered here, or wildcards can be used to address multiple accounts matching certain criteria.
•Processing Style: How the account will be processed. Accounts can be processed Normal which preserves the imported sign, Reversed which flips the D/C indicator, or forced to be Debits or Credits explicitly.
•Account Type: The type of account. Default is None but Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Creditor, Debtor, Trader, and Statistic designation exist.
Mappings: The mapping grid is where details for every allocation/transformation is entered. Every source account must have a destination account. Every mapping sheet will contain the following columns:
•Source Account: The account code or wildcard pattern used to match source journal lines for mapping. Consult the pasTransfer documentation on how to use the DEF (Default) and ALL (Global) tokens.
•Source D/C: The Debit/Credit criteria for matching. Normal, Reversed, Debits, or Credits are valid values but Reversed is treated as Normal for the purposes of matching, which is to say that it has no filtering effect.
•Destination Account: The destination account code that will be substituted for the detected Source Account on the mapped entry. Consult the pasTransfer documentation on how to use the DNT (Do Not Transfer) token that suppresses mapping.
•Destination D/C: The processing style of the destination account. Normal, Reversed, Debits, or Credits. Normal will preserve the original D/C indicator, Reversed will flip the original value, and Debits and Credits both force the value to be that which is selected.
•Miscellaneous: At this point in the grid destination-specific columns will appear.
•VAT: Value-Added Tax percentage to be allocated to the destination account on this mapping line.
•Percentage: Percentage of the source amount after VAT allocations have been made to be allocated to the mapped entry.
•Fixed Amount: A fixed amount to be allocated to the mapped entry.
•Remainder: Remainder indicates all remaining balances to be allocated to the mapped entry.
NOTE: Macro expressions may be used in any of the text fields in the grids above with the exception of Source Account.
NOTE: Only one of the allocation columns (VAT, Percentage, Fixed Amount, and Remainder) may contain a value on a single row. Please note that during processing, all VAT entries will be resolved first, all percentages second, all fixed amounts third, followed lastly by remainder entries.
Mapping Omissions: The mapping omissions tab button will only appear if accounts exist in reports that are not currently part of the mapping sheet. When the mapping omissions tab is selected, they will appear highlighted in red. If an account appears in this section, a new line can be added to the mapping to process the account. Once the account is included in the mapping sheet, it will appear green in the mapping omissions section. Mapping omissions contain an additional button and case sensitivity and matching options to determine the method used to match omissions to the accounts. These are the same options used within pasTransfer when matching source data to the mappings.
•Purge Omissions: Delete every mapping omission that was reported for this mapping, allowing the user to reprocess any work if so desired.
•Comparison Type Exact: The account code on the mapping must exactly match the mapping omission.
•Comparison Type Wildcard: The account code on the mapping must match the mapping omission using DOS style wildcards. More information for wildcards can be found below.
•Comparison Type Regular Expression: Regular expressions, special strings describing a search pattern, are used to match the account code on the mapping to the mapping omissions.
•Ignore Case: If selected, capitalization/case-sensitivity will not be considered when performing a match.
NOTE: The mapping omission grid does not support editing.
Account, General, and Vendor Mappings
Account, General, and Vendor mappings contain one and sometimes two distinct tab pages that can appear in the toolbar. These are the Mappings, and Mapping Omissions. Clicking on the tab button will display that tab page in the editor. The mapping does not need to be saved when switching between tab pages, though it is recommended to save your work often.
Mappings: The mapping grid is where details for every allocation/transformation is entered. Every mapping sheet will contain the following columns:
•Mapping Key: The mapping key to match source lines of data for mapping. Consult the pasTransfer documentation on how to use the DEF (Default) and ALL (Global) tokens.
•Mapping Action: The action to take against a mapping line once if it matches the mapping key. Consult the pasTransfer documentation on how to use the DNT (Do Not Transfer) token that suppresses mapping.
NOTE: Macro expressions may be used in any of the text fields in the grids above with the exception of Mapping Key.
Mapping Omissions: The mapping omissions tab button will only appear if mapping keys exist in reports that are not currently part of the mapping sheet. When the mapping omissions tab is selected, they will appear highlighted in red. If a mapping key appears in this section, a new line can be added to the mapping to process the mapping key. Once the mapping key is included in the mapping sheet, it will appear green in the mapping omissions section. Mapping omissions contain an additional button and case sensitivity and matching options to determine the method used to match omissions to the mapping keys. These are the same options used within pasTransfer when matching source data to the mappings.
•Purge Omissions: Delete every mapping omission that was reported for this mapping, allowing the user to reprocess any work if so desired.
•Comparison Type Exact: The mapping key on the mapping must exactly match the mapping omission.
•Comparison Type Wildcard: The mapping key must match the mapping omission using DOS style wildcards. More information for wildcards can be found below.
•Comparison Type Regular Expression: Regular expressions, special strings describing a search pattern, are used to match the mapping key on the mapping to the mapping omissions.
•Ignore Case: If selected, capitalization/case-sensitivity will not be considered when performing a match.
NOTE: The mapping omission grid does not support editing.
Lookup Mappings
Lookup mappings do not ever contain more than one mapping page, therefore a lookup mapping contains no tab page buttons. A lookup also requires no validation, nor does it contain columns which will always be present. A lookup mapping must contain at least two mapping columns.
Working With The Editor
Whether editing mappings or lookups the data is displayed in the same format. The mapping must be checked out in order to manipulate data within the editor.
Navigating The Editor: Once you have clicked the editor and begun editing cells, you can navigate the editor with Excel-like functionality. The Tab button navigates to the right cell. If no cell is to the right, it proceeds to the first cell of the next row. Shift-Tab navigates to the left cell. If no cell exists, it navigates to the last cell of the previous row. The Up Arrow navigates to the cell directly above in the previous row, and the Down Arrow navigates to the cell directly below in the next row.
Changing Pages: Rending large amounts of data in HTML requires vast amounts of computer memory. To make the workload easier on your browser, we have introduced paging. 50 rows of data will be displayed per page. The page controls appear at the bottom of the editor. Changing the sort order of a column will return you back to page 1.
Sort and Filter: Columns can be sorted by clicking on the sort arrow next to the column name. Below the column name, text can be entered to filter the results that are displayed. Filtering occurs as you type, so it is not required to press enter to perform a filter. Emptying the text in the filter will stop that column from being filtered.
Add Column: If the tab page supports adding columns, the Add Column button will appear in the toolbar. A unique column name must be provided that meets XML element naming standards. We perform case-insensitive checks against column names to ensure they do not conflict with any existing columns in any way.
Delete Column: In order to delete a column, the column must not be required by the mapping type. A Red X will appear next to the column name. Clicking the X will delete the column. The data for this column still remains, temporarily, so if the delete was accidental you can add the column back to recover the data as long as you have not saved or changed the check-in status of the mapping.
Rename Column: If a column supports renaming, the column name appears as a text box and can be edited by clicking on the text box and entering a new value. A unique column name must be provided that meets XML element naming standards. We perform case-insensitive checks against column names to ensure they do not conflict with any existing columns in any way. After a column name is changed in the editor, we keep track of the original column name. Future column additions and changes cannot interfere with the original or new name of the column.
Add Row: The Add Row button will appear in the toolbar. Clicking the button will add a new row to the editor with default values specific to the mapping type.
Delete Row: A Red X appears next to every single row in the editor. Clicking the X will remove the row from the editor.
Clone Row: A Clone button appears next to every row in the editor. Clicking the button will create a duplicate directly underneath the selected row.
Edit Row: Click on the cell you want to edit and the appropriate cell editor will appear. After a cell has been edited, any validation required by the mapping type is performed. If the row contains any errors, a Purple Exclamation Point ( ! ) will appear to the left of the row. Hovering over the exclamation point will display the error message specific to that mapping row. Due to the paging, it's possible errors can occur on multiple pages depending on the filtering and sorting. The column the error messages appear in is sortable so all rows containing errors can be sorted to the top of the first page.
After a mapping has been edited, do not forget to press Save or Check In to ensure you do not lose your work.
NOTE: Mapping sheets cannot be created with this editor. They must be created using the pasTransfer or pasFusion applications. Subsequently they can be edited in the Mapping Designer but they must be created in one of those systems.
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