pasUnity Work Processing Wizard

Written By Gary Fletcher

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This article describes the new Work Processing Wizard in pasUnity
Let us pretend that for some reason an FTP server had been down starting @ 1AM and did not come back on line until 3AM.  During that time we may have had hundreds of jobs fail because they were trying to deliver files to that FTP server.  Now that the FTP server is back on line you can start clicking retry on all your jobs but depending on how many there are that can be time consuming. 
Not anymore.  Now any administrative user can quickly perform mass operations against work in the queue from any Work node in the pasUnity user interface by simply right-clicking the node and choosing Work Processing Wizard… from the menu.
In the example below I have right-clicked on the work queue for the machine FLETCHERM4800 and launched the wizard.  It disabled the machine name due to the context in which I launched it.  In the example below, I specify the criteria to locate some failed work by job name and queue date.

With this done I move next to view the work that meets my filter criteria and then select the specific items I wish to operate against.

After I have made my selections I click next to choose the operation I want.  In this example I have opted to take the work off hold and retry it.

When I click next the work is immediately taken off hold and begins processing.
To check on the status of your work navigate to the queue and press F5 to refresh.

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2025-03-31 17:58:32
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