pasUnity RTM
Written By Gary Fletcher
pasUNITY Products
pasUnity RTM is now generally available.
This release adds several convenience features and some new reporting capabilities. Throughout the pasUnity Manager UI you will notice several Reports nodes on the navigation tree on the left side. Each of these Reports nodes allows you to view several context-aware reports that provide detail about the state of the system. You will find these reports on Agent, Job, Account, Matrix, and System objects. Each report can also be exported to Microsoft Excel. Explore them all and see for yourself how useful they can be. Anyone who has worked in pasUnity long enough can tell you that before you navigate away from an editable item you better press Update unless you want to lose your changes. We have received a handful of requests from customers to make saving automatic as you navigate away. By design, we never commit changes automatically to prevent someone from accidentally overwriting a value in a script or query and losing the original data. As a compromise, however, we have added a feature that will not allow you to navigate away from an object you are editing if there are changes pending without displaying a dialog box that asks you to save or cancel the changes. |
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