pasUnity RTM

Written By Gary Fletcher

Blogs pasUNITY Products

Today’s releases contain a wide array of enhancements, new features, and performance improvements.  The security enhancements to pasUnity now ensure that sensitive details like usernames and passwords can be used in scripts and process flow without risk of being displayed to end-users and are now demo-safe.  Performance in the portal has been enhanced to reduce logon times and decrease both the number of round trips made to the server and the size of the content sent back to the browser.

  • New feature: Conceal and Reveal capability allow users to encrypt and decode values at the System, Agent, Job, Step, and Impeller levels
    • Encryption and encoding is performed by pressing the Conceal button on either the Job, Step, or Impeller editors
    • Decoding and decryption is performed using the Reveal macro command.
    • The scope at which a value is concealed determines the scope at which a value can be revealed.
    • Concealed values will not appear in the parameter information detail of the job execution log.
  • Enhancement: Protected Option capability has been added to the pasTransfer ETL job step that allow values to be sent to pasTransfer but not show up in the pasTransfer job log.
  • Enhancement: Connection detail macro support has been added to the SQL Server Script so that values generated using Conceal and Reveal can be used for usernames and passwords.
  • Enhancement: Data grid in the UI are now generated after the UI is shown rather than before for a more responsive UI.
  • Enhancement: Support for SSL3, TLS1, TLS1.1, and TLS1.2 are now included (although TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 only work on machines with .NET 4.5 or higher installed)
  • New feature: The In macro allows you to look for a value in a list of values and if the value is found it will be returned otherwise and empty string is returned.
  • Documentation has been updated with in-depth content on how to use these new features.

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2025-03-31 17:51:09
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