pasTransfer RTM

Written By Gary Fletcher

Blogs pasUNITY Products

Today’s releases contain a wide array of enhancements, new features, and performance improvements.  The features added to pasTransfer open up a wide range of possibilities for mapping and business rules that blows the doors off what we could do up until now (See a sample at the end of this message).  The security enhancements to pasTransfer now ensure that sensitive details like usernames and passwords can be used in scripts and process flow without risk of being displayed to end-users and are now demo-safe. 

  • New feature: Condition column in mapping sheets can be used to apply mapping rules using criteria other than account code.
    • Using the macro language you can write macro expressions that can use literally all attributes of source data instead of or in addition to account codes.
    • When used with a * wildcard in the Source Account field the rule will evaluate for all source journal lines
    • Condition macros are applied prior to the DEF rules
  • New feature: Error column in mapping sheets can be used to apply business rules using any the macro language.
    • Using the macro language you can write macro expressions to validate data after mapping lines and allocations have occurred.
    • When the macro runs if it emits any output data an error condition is raised and that will prevent the transformation from succeeding
    • The output of the Error macro expression will appear in the job logs.
  • New feature: The In macro allows you to look for a value in a list of values and if the value is found it will be returned otherwise and empty string is returned.
  • New feature: Conceal and Reveal capability allow users to encrypt and decode values to protect them from prying eyes.
    • Encryption and encoding is performed from the Macro Designer (by pressing F2 from any field with a yellow background) and clicking the Reveal macro.
    • Decoding and decryption is performed using the Reveal macro command.
    • Unlike pasUnity the Reveal macro has a global scope.  It is intending to hide values from prying eyes both within the UI and in the registry.
    • The scope at which a value is concealed determines the scope at which a value can be revealed.
    • Concealed values will not appear in the parameter information detail of the job execution log.
  • Enhancement: Connection detail macro support has been added to all SQL Server logon controls so that values generated using Conceal and Reveal can be used for usernames and passwords.
  • Enhancement: Support for SSL3, TLS1, TLS1.1, and TLS1.2 are now included (although TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 only work on machines with .NET 4.5 or higher installed)
  • New connection: Ledger (Source): Bank of America North has been added
  • New connection: Ledger (Source): SpaBooker Dashboard Report has been added
  • New connection: Ledger (Source): QuickBooks Trial Balance has been added
    • This is a special connection and while it will work via automation special steps must be taken to configure the automation and a dedicated interactive logon account is required.
  • New connection: Ledger (Source): QuickBooks Transactions has been added
    • This is a special connection and while it will work via automation special steps must be taken to configure the automation and a dedicated interactive logon account is required.
  • Documentation has been updated with in-depth content on how to use these new features.
You can see below an example mapping sheet that does the following:
  • Applies a 50% allocation to all balance sheet accounts using a Condition expression
  • Applies a 20% allocation to all journal lines where the last character of the account code is either a 2 or a 3 using a Condition expression
  • Rejects any journal lines from account 105 where the an amount after applying a 20% allocation was over $150.00 bucks using an Error expression


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