pasPortal Blogging Debuts

Written By Gary Fletcher

Blogs pasUNITY Products

There are some new modules and features in the portal to help you ring in the new year. 
Upon logon you will notice that the navigation menu and welcome screen now have a new navigation button in them for viewing blogs:

When you click the  icon it will take you to our new blog viewer @ where you can scroll through the blogs that are there, read articles, search by tag or date, and even subscribe to RSS feeds.

At this point only Products and Integration blogs have some content and the rest will start receiving regular, frequent updates with new content.
Clicking a blog takes you to a summary of the blog and a list of the articles

The blog articles themselves can contain rich media including images (as shown in this article by Anna) and documents for users to download.

The RSS feed capability is really cool.  Click the  icon and get a list of recent articles as an RSS feed.

You can copy the URL from the address bar and add them to your Microsoft Outlook RSS feeds:

This will give you the ability to read the content without needing to go to the portal

The blog modules (located at My… > Blogging) pictured below allow for the creation of blogs and editing of blog articles.  They are only available to users with membership in the Blog Users role. 
The Blog Manager is available only to Site Admins and this is not going to change.  It is used to create new Blogs and assign permissions.

The Blog Module is used to edit blog articles.  It allows for WYSIWYG editing and tagging and allows for embedding images and documents in much the same way the HTML tree module does.

In the future all announcements (including this one) will be available in the pasPortal blog module.

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2025-03-31 17:57:42
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