pasUNITY Solution Monitoring

Written By Sean Weston

Blogs pasUNITY Hosting

Any sufficiently complex IT environment should employ a suite of centralized monitoring tools so that support personnel may aggregate the availability, performance, configuration, and security data for IT resources in the environment to be proactively and efficiently maintained.
The pasUNITY hosted environment employs such a solution, leveraging a combination of Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) and our own pasUnity Automation software. 

SCOM is a modular product suite comprised of a centralized engine supported by extensible Management Packs (MPs), and a supporting reporting engine.  MPs extends the product's capability  so that the product can monitor all of the pasUNITY hosted environment's infrastructural tiers.  The tiers monitored include network, storage, server operating system, database, web services, and hosted applications.
Embracing the capabilities of SCOM's MPs, pasUNITY has heavily customized existing MPs and authored its own proprietary MPs to further tailor our SCOM based monitoring solution serve the needs of our customer base.  Our implementation bring value directly to our Customer base in several overt ways:
  • Our strictly tuned performance thresholds allow pasUNITY support personnel to quickly isolate and remediate performance issues in its hosted solution, usually resolving potential issues long before any customer impact is felt.
  • Our custom built MPs grant a substantial degree of self-healing to the hosted solution, leveraging finely defined remediation triggers, and scripted custom actions that automatically resolve minor issues before any support personnel intervention is required.
  • The SCOM reporting engine aggregates collected data and allows us to report on solution wide trends so that we may better respond to evolving customer needs.
  • The communication capability of the SCOM engine permits the exact pasUNITY support resource to be contacted directly by the software in the case of specific events; so that immediate action can begin on detected issues before noticeable impact is perceived by the customer base.
Whereas the SCOM solution is focuses on responding to exception conditions as they occur and providing a certain degree of fore-warning the pasUnity Automation software allows us to centralize and managed more complex maintenance operations such as database tuning, backups, and advanced corrective actions outside the scope of the SCOM monitoring software.  Often this involves complex scripting and data processing.  So basically, we employ the pasUnity Automation software to ensure our baseline is finely tuned and the SCOM software to confirm it.

Because we host thousands of customers using the same software as you we are able to learn cumulative lessons about the operation and maintenance of the applications you host with us and ensure that the lessons learned are applied to all customer instances.  In effect this is like having hundreds of IT shops working for you.

2025-03-31 17:57:42
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