pasUNITY Hyper-Converged Storage

Written By Sean Weston

Blogs pasUNITY Hosting

UPDATE: Last modified on 5/10/2017 10:08:51 AM

pasUNITY announces the adoption of a hyper-converged software defined storage solution within the pasUNITY CORE Hosted Infrastructure.

Hyper-converged systems are a software-centric architecture that integrates traditionally discrete components into a single entity; computing, storage, networking, operating system, and virtualization within the same management umbrella, utilizing commodity hardware; all while maintaining existing levels of high availability (HA).

There are multiple benefits of this approach over other infrastructural design approaches that separate components into their own logical stacks.

The hyper-converged solution offers greater agility and scalability in deploying resources to meet future growth, allowing incremental resource growth with readily available commodity hardware.  This allows pasUNITY to respond with increasing rapidity to changes to the resource demands within the CORE Hosted Infrastructure.

Hyper-convergence also grants single management interface for the converged components, allowing for more efficient monitoring, deployment, and automation of the solution.  This helps pasUNITY maintain a persistent awareness of each previously discrete component so that it can respond with increasing accuracy to infrastructural demands of the solution and the support needs of its hosted customers.

Our implementation leverages Microsoft Storage Spaces Direct on Windows Server 2016.  We have watched this technology closely since its debut and waited for it stabilize under Windows Server 2012 R2 before seriously evaluating it and finally implementing it for our own CORE infrastructure components.

So what does this mean to you?  It means that in a world of rising IT costs pasUNITY is leveraging technology advances that allow us to keep our prices lower than our competition and stil provide the extremely powerful, flexibile solutions with high redundancy and performance that you has become our staple and you have come to expect.

Keep watching our blogs to see how pasUNITY CORE Hosted Infrastructure continues to expand, implementing cutting-edge architectural features so that it can better serve you.

2025-03-31 17:58:32
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