The Work Processing Wizard allows for mass deletion and toggling of hold status of multiple work items in a work queue. To launch the Wizard, navigate to a Work node, right click the node, and select Work Processing Wizard.
Work Criteria
Though search criteria is not required, it is helpful with finding specific work items residing across multiple impellers, jobs, and agents. Clicking the check box next to each search item will enable the selected search item.
•Machine Name: The name of the machine to search for queued work. Only editable when search is executed globally. SQL wildcards can be used.
•Job Name: The name of the job to search for queued work. Only editable when search is executed globally or within an agent. SQL wildcards can be used.
•Impeller Name: The name of the impeller to search for queued work. SQL wildcards can be used.
•Hold: Whether to search work items by hold status. Enabling the hold search criteria will only allow the search to return all matching files on hold or all matching files off hold.
•Queue Date: Search for work items by a range of dates which the Queue Date will fall on or between.
•Impeller Type: The type of impellers to search for work. If enabled, at least one impeller must be selected.
NOTE: If no criteria is selected, all work items will be returned.
Work Selection
This page will present the user with a list of all work items that meet the search criteria provided on the previous page. At least one work item is required to proceed to the next page. Double-click the check box in the row for each work item you wish to include. You can toggle all file to the selected state by checking the check box in the upper left. Clearing the check will toggle all work items unselected.
Selecting the blue Information icon will display the job history log for the selected work item.
Process Work Items
Once all applicable work items have been selected, they can be mass-processed in the following ways:
•Remove From Queue: Remove all selected work items from their respective queue. If the work is currently being processed, the removal will fail unless Force Deletion is checked.
•Toggle Hold: Toggle the hold status of all selected work items. Work items will be placed on hold if Hold Status is checked, or removed from hold if unchecked.
•Mark Complete: Marks work Complete and removes work from the queue. Optionally, includes a message in the Job Log as to why the work is being marked complete. The identify of the user marking the work complete is annotated in the log.
NOTE: After Work Items are mass-processed, any changes CANNOT be undone. All operations are all-or-nothing, and if the operation fails for one work item, it will fail for all work items.
After clicking next, the mass-processing operation will be completed. On success, the wizard can be exited. If another operation needs to be performed, check the Restart Wizard check box to begin with new search criteria.
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