
  Working with Activity




Activity provides information on Exceptions, History, Payloads, Reports, and Work for all Agents, Accounts, and Matrices to which a user has access.  Clicking the column headers on any of the data grids will sort the grid.  Clicking twice changes the sort from ascending to descending.  Pressing F5 will refresh the contents of the grids from the database.  Many of the views will contain an icon in the first column for go to definition which will jump you directly to an items definition in the tree and open it in the current tab window (or a new tab window if you hold down Control).




Lists the exceptions that have occurred on any of the Agents.  Exceptions are conditions that occur in the operation of pasUnity or the execution of jobs in which either an unexpected or undesirable condition has occurred.  To clear the list of exceptions, right-click on the Exceptions node and select Clear Exceptions... from the context menu.  Clearing the exceptions from an Agent-level Exceptions node will remove only those exceptions that occurred on the target agent.  Clearing from the Activity-level Exceptions node will remove all exceptions from the system.  Double-clicking an exception from the top data grid will display a detailed exception stack trace in the lower pane (if such information exists).  You can change the number of items displayed in the grid by entering a number in the max rows field in the header.  Additionally, you can filter the exceptions table using keywords by typing filter text and clicking Apply.  To remove a filter clear the text from the filter box and press Apply again.




Lists the actions and outcomes of jobs executed on any of the Agents.  The top data grid shows system-level summaries with a single line for each job in the system.  The bottom data grid shows individual execution history (success and failure attempts).  Job logs are available for each line item by clicking on the Log button.




Lists the payloads which have been collected via the Payload Agent Service.  Payloads activate jobs by triggering Payload impellers. To permanently remove a payload item from the system, highlight the row and press DELETE.  Deleting a payload will also remove any related work in the queue.  Double-clicking any payload item in the top portion of the data grid will allow you to view the XML contents of the payload in the bottom portion of the grid.


NOTE: To work with payloads a user must have either Payload or Full permission at the System level.  See detailed information on Permissions here.




Allows users to interactively view extremely useful reports that detail the state of the system and configuration of like elements.  You will only be presented with reports that you have access to run and they will only report on objects that you have a minimum of read access for.  Additionally, all reports can be exported to Excel.


NOTE: To work with reports a user must have at least Read permission at the object level.  See detailed information on Permissions here.




Lists jobs that are waiting to be processed, jobs that have failed, and jobs on hold on any of the Agents.  Once a job succeeds its record is moved to History.  If a job fails, its record is copied to History but the failed job remains in the work queue.  To permanently remove an item from the queue, highlight the row and press DELETE.  To review the past execution history of any work item in the queue click on the blue Information button.   To remove an item from hold status double click on the check box in the hold column for the row.  This will allow the held work to reprocess.  To manually execute queued work interactively you can press the green Run image.  If the work was queued from an email message you can click the yellow Email image to jump to that message.  To manually complete the work, remove from the queue, and optionally write a custom message to the log you can click the black Complete button.


NOTE: In order to click the run button, the work item must already be in a hold status to ensure that the processing agent is not attempting to execute the work at the same time as the interactive user.


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