
  Frequently Asked Questions




Review the content of the Security Considerations topic in addition to this content.



Q: After upgrading pasUnity the pasUnity services are not performing work.  What do I do?


A: Multiple issues can prevent the pasUnity services from performing work.  The likely cause of the problem will be available to you in the Windows Event Viewer in the Application log. 


Possible problems include:

The pasUnity services were started immediately following an upgrade and connection pooling was enabled (the default).  Due to a flaw in the implementation of connection pooling you may need to take action manually.  To correct, it is often sufficient to launch the pasUnity user interface and stop all services from the Service menu and then start them again.

An invalid connection string was entered in the pasUnity configuration file.  For instructions on how to configure the connection strings see the Configuration topic.

A firewall or other intrusion prevention product is preventing pasUnity components from accessing the database.  Check the logs for your product and, if this is the problem, reconfigure the settings and restart the pasUnity services.  Typically, connections to SQL Server are made over TCP port 1433 but this may vary in some environments or if named instances are in use.

Your license has not been activated or does not include support for the service you are attempting to start.  For instructions on how to manage your licenses see the Licensing topic.


Q: I am receiving ACCESS DENIED messages and jobs are failing.  What happened?


A: The likely cause of ACCESS DENIED errors is that the account that is executing a job does not have permissions to the resources needed by the job.  Typically, this can be solved by increasing permissions to the pasUnity Processor Agent service account.



Q: Jobs appear to work but I am not receiving notifications.  What do I do?


A: Multiple issues can prevent the pasUnity services from performing notifications.  The likely cause of the problem will be available to you in the Windows Event Viewer in the Application log. 


Possible problems include:

The account that is performing the work may not have been configured with correct SMTP server settings.  Select the account in the navigation tree view and press the Test SMTP button to send yourself a test message and verify the settings.

A firewall or other intrusion prevention product is preventing pasUnity components from sending mail.  Check the logs for your product and if this is the problem reconfigure the settings and test pasUnity again.  Typically, connections to SMTP servers are made over TCP port 25.

You may have provided an invalid email address.  Check the value and confirm it is correct.


Q: Jobs will run manually but not automatically.  What do I do?


A: Multiple issues can prevent pasUnity jobs from running automatically despite them working when run manually.  The likely cause of the problem will be available to you in the Windows Event Viewer in the Application log. 


Possible problems include:

The problem is security related.  The resolution for security issues can be found in the Security Considerations topic.

When job steps are run manually they may include visible user interface components which prompt the end-user for input.  If your job steps exhibit this behavior they can NOT be executed automatically by pasUnity.


Q: The payload service is not accepting requests.  What happened?


A: Multiple issues can prevent the pasUnity Payload Agent service from performing work.  The likely cause of the problem will be available to you in the Windows Event Viewer in the Application log. 


The pasUnity Payload service has five default bindings.  Two of them require that an X.509 certificate is correctly installed and configured.


Other possible problems and resolutions include:

A firewall or other intrusion prevention product is preventing pasUnity components from receiving requests.  Check the logs for your product and, if this is the problem, reconfigure the settings and restart the pasUnity services.  Typically, connections to pasUnity Payload Agent service are made on ports 9080 and 9443 but this is user configurable and may vary.

Another application is using one of the ports that you are trying to use.  The default ports are 9080 and 9443.  Use the NETSTAT command to find what ports are currently in use and what services are using those ports.

You receive a message similar to Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName 'My', StoreLocation 'LocalMachine', FindType 'FindBySubjectName' This indicates that you do not have a certificate installed, the certificate is of the wrong type, or you have not configured pasUnity with the correct certificate information.


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