After installation is complete you may be required to perform additional configuration depending on the set of pasUnity features you wish to employ. The default configuration file is titled pasUnityClient.exe.config and is stored in the application installation folder.
Database Connection
If you wish to change the credentials used to access the pasUnity database or wish to use a different set of credentials for the pasUnity services than are used by the UI you will need to modify the connection strings stored in the application configuration file.
To do this graphically you may navigate to Configuration > Configuration Options... and on the Connection Security tab use the user interface to configure the connection details for services and users separately.
If you need greater control over the connection strings and feel comfortable editing the XML application configuration file you may do so by hand using the following guidance.
The Data Source parameter names the SQL Server instance that hosts the pasUnity database. The Initial Catalog parameter is the actual name of the pasUnity database. If Windows integrated security is to be used the Integrated Security parameter should be set to true. If Windows integrated security is not used, you need to supply values for the User ID, Password, and Persist Security Info parameters. In some environments you may wish to disable database connection pooling by adding the value ;Pooling=false; to the end of the connection string.
The database connection strings used by the services may be different than those used by the pasUnity UI. If you make a change to the service connection string you must restart the services for the change to take effect. If you change the GUI connection string you will need to restart the client application for the changes to take effect.
If the database resides on a remote server and you are using a local service account to run the pasUnity services it is recommended that you not attempt to use integrated security as long security contexts are often not recognized on other machines.
The default configuration is shown above and should be sufficient for most scenarios.
Diagnostics Audit Folder
Under the appSettings section of the application configuration file you may enter a path for an audit folder. The audit folder is used by the pasUnity services and UI to store additional diagnostics information.
Multiple Configuration Files
The pasUnity client can be configured to detect and apply alternate configuration files. The default configuration file is titled pasUnityClient.exe.config and is stored in the application installation folder. If additional files are detected in the application installation folder that begin with pasUnityClient.exe and end with .config (such as pasUnityClient.exe.CUSTOM.config) they will be detected at startup and if multiple files are detected, you will be prompted to choose from a list of configuration files for the one you wish to use. This enables new usage scenarios such as allowing a single workstation to connect to both production and test environments. Additionally, pasUnity can be started from the command line and provided with an alternate configuration file using the /ConfigFile filename switch. All installations of pasUnity that you wish to manage must be the same version.
NOTE: the upgrade process often introduces new features to the configuration files but will not detect the presence of alternate configuration files or attempt to update them.
WCF Service Configuration
The pasUnity Payload Service uses HTTP and HTTPS as the transport methods using the default TCP ports of 9080 for HTTP and 9443 for HTTPS. If you wish to change these defaults, you should use the NETSTAT command from the Command Prompt to identify ports that are not in use and then either perform and search and replace of the values 9080 and 9443 in the pasUnity.exe.config file with the desired values and then use the instruction in the Certificates topic to bind your certificate to those ports. After any changes to the configuration file you will need to restart the pasUnity services and it is also recommended that you run the service test utility to confirm communication.
If you wish to edit the configuration files graphically you can install the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 6.0 or higher and set the ConfigurationEditorLocation parameter in the configuration file to the path of the service configuration editor tool. This command will then appear inside the pasUnity UI to launch the editor and work with bindings manually.
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