Performs lookup and usage auditing of centrally managed Credentials to simplify and control access to sensitive information.
1.Credential - Name of the Macro.
2.Credential Name - The name of the agent or system level credential to lookup. If a credential exists at both the system and agent levels the agent-level credential will be used.
3.Value Name - The name of the key/value pair stored in the credential that you want to retrieve.
4.Default Value - Optional. The value to return if the Value Name is not defined or if the credential itself is not found.
5.Credential Required - Optional. Set to a value of true or false to indicate whether a fatal exception should be thrown if the credential is not found. Default is true.
Retrieves the email address associated with the pasPortal credential in the current execution context.
<Credential|pasPortal|Email|Not Found>
Retrieves the email address associated with the pasPortal credential in the current execution context and if the Email key is not defined will return the value Not Found.
Retrieves the email address associated with the pasPortal credential in the current execution context and if either the Email or the credential itself is not found returns an empty string and does not fail.
Credential macros access credentials created using the Credentials feature found at the system and agent levels throughout the user interface. If a credential is not found or it is determined that you do not have access to the credential an exception will be thrown unless a value of false is provided for the Credential Required parameter.
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