DropBox |
The DropBox impeller is used to enqueue a job for execution when a data file arrives in a matrix at a predetermined row/column/date intersection.
This impeller extends basic impeller functionality. For details common to all job impellers click here.
In addition to the common attributes shared by all impellers this impeller type has the following attributes:
•Activation Criteria: Allows the user to specify how criteria is applied when multiple pieces of criteria exist.
•Match Any: This is the default behavior under which any one criteria match may be used to enqueue a single data file for processing. Using this option there are several custom Macro extensions available to the impeller.
•Match All: An alternative to Match Any in which case all pieces of criteria must evaluate to one (and only one) match in order to trigger job execution. Using this option there are a few custom Macro extensions available to the impeller.
•Match All in Same Row: This option is the same as Match All but only triggers if every match is on the same row. You may still wish to use a Dynamic Row Filter to limit the potential rows that can fire the impeller. Additionally, the {MATRIX-ROW} special token is available to the impeller.
•Match All in Same Column: This option is the same as Match All but only triggers if every match is on the same column. You may still wish to use a Dynamic Column Filter to limit the potential columns that can fire the impeller. Additionally, the {MATRIX-COLUMN} special token is available to the impeller.
•Common Tag: This option is available for all modes except Match Any and when checked requires that all documents that meet Drop Box Monitor criteria must also be tagged with a common character string value. This allows for multiple file sets to be loaded and distinguished on a single date in the matrix and still be used to trigger the same job by meeting impeller criteria multiple times - once for each set of work to enqueue.
•Matrix Intersection: The name of the Matrix that contains the DropBox to be searched for data file matches. Use the add button to add new matching criteria based on the selection. Multiple criteria targeting multiple matrices is permitted.
•Matrix Name: The read-only name of the matrix previously selected from Matrix Intersection.
•Dynamic Column Filter: The dynamic criteria used to find columns within the matrix to apply data file matching conditions. A specific column can be selected from the drop-down menu.
•Dynamic Row Filter: The dynamic criteria used to find rows within the matrix to apply data file matching conditions. A specific row can be selected from the drop-down menu.
•Tag Filter: The dynamic criteria used to match the tag property of data files in a DropBox for processing. A blank value will ONLY match on a blank tag.
•File Name Filter: The dynamic criteria used to match the file name property of data files in a DropBox for processing.
•(various) Parameter Name: Optional. The various parameter name columns are used to specify the names of parameter to generate at run time to store the named type of data in. These are all optional but save you the time of having to manually write standard parameter definitions or have to use macro commands and tokens to populate them. Leaving a field blank will simply not generate a parameter. Aside from the three matrix related parameter names the rest are similar to those accessed by the DataFileProperty macro command.
Wildcards can be used in any of the Filters. For detailed information on wildcards see the Wildcards topic.
After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.
NOTE: When importing and exporting jobs that contain DropBox impellers it is important that any referenced Matrix item already exist (with the same name) in the system prior to importing the job or the DropBox impeller will not contain any activation criteria.
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