This page lists all pasPortal instances and corresponding mapping tables to which the user has access.
pasTransfer has the ability to aggregate mapping data from two mappings. This allows for the development of a core mapping representing corporate accounts and also allows individual properties or business units the ability to extend or override those values. For more information see Advanced Mapping Settings.
•Global Mapping: This mapping contains the core account mappings.
•Local Mapping: This optional mapping contains account mappings which are specific to the property or business unit.
Create Mapping Table
To create a new pasPortal mapping table, right-click on the name of the pasPortal instance where the mapping table should be created and select Add Mapping... from the context menu.
•Mapping Name: This will automatically populate with “Source Configuration Name => Destination Configuration Name”. The user can override this by typing a new name.
•Include indicators: When checked, indicator mappings will be included in the mapping table.
•Use Normal processing style for indicators: When checked, all indicator processing styles will be set to Normal. When unchecked, processing styles assigned based upon the amount values in the source file (positive values become debits, negative values become credits).
Assign Mapping Table
To assign a mapping or change the assigned mapping, highlight the mapping name and drag it to the Global or Local Mapping fields at the top. Alternatively, right click the mapping name and choose "Set Global Mapping" or "Set Local Mapping".
Remove Local Mapping
To remove a mapping from Local Mapping click the red X.
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