




Client Installation


To perform an installation of pasTransfer you must be logged on to the machine where pasTransfer will be installed with administrative access.  Follow the steps below to install pasTransfer:

If a prior version of the application is already installed it should be removed before a new version is installed. The pasTransfer configuration settings are stored in the database and will not be lost by uninstalling the application.  If an older version of the software is present, the installer will detect this and remove it automatically.

Navigate to the media installation folder and run the pasTransfer.msi application installation program. If the machine has the UAC enabled right-click and choose to run as an administrator.

The default installation folder for pasTransfer is the Program Files folder specific to the application architecture.  The 32-bit version of pasTransfer installs to the %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\PAS\pasTransfer folder and the 64-bit version of pasTransfer installs to the %PROGRAMFILES%\PAS\pasTransfer folder:

After installation completes you can start the pasTransfer UI from the Start Menu.

You should now license your application using the instructions in the Licensing topic.


Copyright © 2025 pasUNITY, Inc.


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