The pasUnity Matrix module is used to interact with Matrices defined in pasUnity service endpoints.
This module functions outside the realm of the normal permissions hierarchy. For more information on the roles referenced in this section please see the role based security topic. Administrative users can configure additional module settings by clicking the button.
If the module has not yet been configured a notice will appear to all users that configuration is required prior to first use.
NOTE: This module has special configuration requirements that must be performed prior to use. See the pasUnity Matrix Configuration topic for more details.
Matrix Administration
The following sections will go through how to setup a new matrix in pasPortal from end to end, beginning with setup in pasUnity.
Matrix Setup in pasUnity
The first step in creating a new matrix is to add the matrix to the pasUnity instance. This is done by right-clicking the Matrices node in the tree view navigation pane and selecting Add New Matrix from the context menu. Enter the name of the new matrix which cannot be blank and must be unique within the system and click OK. Creating a matrix automatically launches the matrix editor for further customization. You may begin adding rows and columns at this point but it is recommended to wait until the matrix configuration is complete as there are a few other steps in the following sections. This will also allow you to design your matrix from within the portal (which is also recommended).
At this point, all that needs to be done is make sure the new matrix is enabled by clicking the Enabled check box and press Update to save your changes. By default, a matrix is not enabled and must manually be enabled for it to be externally visible to an application via web services or be able to fire impellers. A matrix must be enabled to be published outside of the pasUnity system.
Further details on the Matrices node can be found in the pasUnity help files.
Building a Matrix
The pasUnity matrices will generally be nested in the Integrations>Drop Boxes tab in pasPortal. Once a matrix has been setup, new columns, rows, and drop boxes can be added along with many other editing features. First, click on the Designer Mode tab which can be found at the top of the matrix along with the other configuration modes.
•Adding New Columns: In the top left-hand corner of the matrix, type in the name of the new column in the text box then click the Add Column + button. If this is the very first column to get added to the matrix, it will show up as the first column. If other columns have already been setup, the new column will get added to the end.
•Adding New Rows: New rows get added to the matrix in the same way that columns do. Follow the same directions as above except after entering the row name, click the Add Row + button. If this is the very first row to get added to the matrix, it will show up as the first row. If other rows have already been setup, the new row will get added to the bottom.
•Creating Drop Boxes: Once a row and column have both been created, drop boxes can be setup in order to upload and store reports. At the intersection of the row/column, click on the Create a Drop Box + button to create the drop box.
Matrix Permissions
Matrix Permissions in pasUnity/pasPortal
In both pasUnity and pasPortal, there are a distinct set of permission levels available for various types of access to the matrix. In pasUnity, these permissions can be found by clicking on the Matrices node then clicking on the specific matrix where there will be a Permissions tab. In pasPortal, the permissions can be found by clicking on Security Mode then looking in the very first box in the top left-hand corner under Manage Matrix Security. Keep in mind that changes made to permissions in pasUnity get automatically updated in pasPortal and vice versa.
Below are the different permission levels and how they affect access to the matrix:
•Read: Role members can view the matrix from within pasUnity and pasPortal but cannot make any changes.
•Use: Role members can view the matrix from both pasUnity and pasPortal and interact with the matrix to certain degrees. Role members can view reports uploaded (but not actually open them) and also view the error/success information logs on each report. Role members must at least have Read permissions.
•Security: Role members can delegate Permissions to the matrix from within pasUnity. Role members must at least have Read permissions.
•Full: Role members can view, edit, and delete Matrix Configuration (including designing columns, rows, and Drop boxes and manipulating files) and delegate permissions to the matrix.
Matrix Modes
This section goes over each mode/tab shown at the top of the matrix and the different features available in each of these modes.
Interactive Mode
This is the default mode the matrix will be viewed in when it is initially opened. This mode allows for complete interaction with the matrix including full interaction with file uploads (depending on permissions levels) and the ability to change calendar date. This is the most commonly used matrix mode for the end user.
Reference Mode
Reference mode is used to store files in specific drop boxes without reference to calendar date. The files will ONLY be shown in reference mode and have no effect on the files uploaded in Interactive Mode or jobs that may be triggered from that drop box. The files will always be there unless removed from within Reference mode.
Designer Mode
Designer mode is where complete design of your matrix takes place. Basic adding of columns/rows/drop boxes is explained in the Building a Matrix section. Each design level and the different options are outlined below:
Column-Level Settings: The design settings available on each column.
•Name: The current name of the column, which can also be changed if need be.
•Frequency: The frequency to which reports will be uploaded to the drop boxes in the particular column.
•Daily: The drop boxes in this column will have upload capabilities every day.
•Weekly: You have the option to choose which days of the week the drop boxes will be available for uploads. Users will not be able to upload reports for non-frequency dates.
•Monthly: This options works in the same way as Weekly except you can choose which specific days of the month you want the drop boxes to be available for uploads. There is also an option available called Last which makes the drop box available for whatever the last day of each month is. This is helpful because there is always variation in the number of days in each month.
•Quarterly: Here you are presented with the option to make file uploads on the drop boxes available on a specific day in each quarter. First represents the first day of the first month in each quarter and Last represents the last day of the last month in each quarter. Month represents the month in which your year starts and Day represents the specific day in that month in which your year starts. Month 1 = January and Month 12 = December.
•Annually: This option allows for file uploads to be available on the drop boxes for 1 day per year. First represents the first day of the first month of the year. Last represents the last day of the last month of the year. To choose a specific day in the year, use the Month and Day fields.
•Visibility: Always indicates that the column will be shown on both frequency and non-frequency dates. FrequencyDatesOnly indicates that the column will only be shown on the dates where drop box file uploads are available which is based on the Frequency settings.
•Show Prev/Next: Here you are given the capability of moving between frequency dates while in Interactive Mode. Two arrows will show on the column allowing you to either move forward to the next expected frequency date or move backward to the previous expected frequency date. As an example, if the column frequency is set to allow file uploads on March 10th of every year, the forward arrow will take you to March 10th, 2017 if you are currently looking at March 10th 2016. The backward arrow will take you to March 10th, 2015. It is recommended to incorporate this setting when frequency is set to anything other than Daily.
•Background: Change the background color of the column and the drop boxes within that column by choosing 1 of the 9 available background colors. The columns/rows/drop boxes default to Transparent when they are initially setup.
•Relative Rank: The position number of the column in respect to the other columns. The number of positions shown in the drop down equates to the number of columns currently setup.
•Notification Addresses: Email addresses specified here are notified when certain special events as defined in pasUnity occur.
•Save: The save button will need to be pressed after every change made in the list above.
•Delete: Click on the red X to delete the matrix column and all of the drop boxes associated with that column.
•Clone: Clicking on the clone button will make a duplicate of the current column along with all of the settings associated with that column. The new column will show up at the end of the matrix.
Row-Level Settings: The design settings available on each row.
•Name: The current name of the row, which can also be changed if need be.
•Relative Rank: The position number of the row in respect to the other rows. The number of positions shown in the drop down equates to the number of rows currently setup.
•Notification Addresses: Email addresses specified here are notified when certain special events as defined in pasUnity occur.
Individual Drop Box Settings: The design settings available on each individual drop box.
•Allow Multiple Uploads: When checked the Drop Box will allow multiple files to be stored for a single calendar date.
•Prevent Duplicate Names: When checked this will prevent files that have duplicate names from being loaded into the DropBox on the same calendar date. It does not validate file contents and names are not case sensitive. This option has no effect if the Allow Multiple Uploads option is not checked.
•FileFromDisk/WebForm: Used to determine if files can be uploaded manually or if they are generated as XML files from entry into a custom form.
•Alert Threshold: Future use.
•File Retention Period: If the box is checked you can supply the number of days that files in the matrix will be retained before automatic maintenance removes them. The default is 0 which designates an unlimited retention period.
•Maximum File Size: If the box is checked you can supply the maximum file size (in megabytes) that a file can be in order for it to be successfully uploaded.
•Notification Address(es): Email addresses specified here are notified when certain special events as defined in pasUnity occur.
Column/Row Level Drop Box Settings
•You can find the Column/Row level drop box settings at the top of each individual row or column, labeled "Drop Boxes". These settings allow you to edit the drop box settings for an entire row or column. All of the settings will initially have a strike-through. The method to updating the Drop Boxes using the check-boxes are outlined below: (An explanation of what each setting does is outlined in the previous section)
•Allow Multiple Uploads & Prevent Duplicate Names:
•FileFromDisk & WebForm: Used to determine if files can be uploaded manually or if they are generated as XML files from entry into a custom form.
•Alert Threshold, File Retention Period, & Maximum File Size: Future use.
Security Mode
Security Mode is used to set permissions at the matrix level as well as the row/column/drop box level. Setting permissions at the matrix level is discussed in the Matrix Permissions section so this section will only cover permissions at the row/column/drop box level.
Column/Row/Drop Box Level Security
•None: Used to revoke security.
•Read: Can view the contents of the drop boxes and view job activity logs but cannot download files.
•Retrieve File: Can retrieve files from a drop box.
•Delete File: Can delete a file that has not been processed by a job from a drop box.
•Upload File: Can upload a new file to a drop box.
•Delete Processed File: Can delete a file regardless of whether or not it has been processed by a job from a drop box.
•Remove Hold: Can remove hold placed on work associated with the file.
•Full: Can perform all of the above actions.
Create a Default Role: Allows the end-user to provision a role specific to the row and assign permissions to it all in one action.
Email Mode
The following e-mail filters are used to trigger jobs in pasUnity based on values contained in incoming e-mails. Wildcard characters (% and _) are supported. Each of these filters can be set at either the column, row, or drop box level.
•Email From: The pattern for accepted email addresses. Unmatched values will be rejected.
•Email Subject: The pattern for accepted email subjects. Unmatched values will be rejected.
•Email Filename: The pattern for accepted attachment file names. Unmatched values will be rejected.
Business Rule Mode
Clicking on the Business Rule Mode tab will allow you to write wildcard expressions used to ensure that valid files are loaded into the right drop boxes.
Configure Views
Clicking on the Configure Views tab will expose a data editing grid that allows you to define subsets of columns in the matrix. This can be useful to avoid rendering column content that can overwhelm some browsers.
Activity Report
Clicking on the Activity Report tab will generate a report of the most recent 500 files in the matrix with color coding to indicate if the file triggered a job and what the result of that job was.
Error Report
Clicking on the Error Report tab will open a report showing current exception conditions in the matrix and allow you to view exception messages.
Color Key
Clicking on this button will display the color key relating to Frequency column used in Designer Mode. Each Frequency type will produce a different color border on the column.
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