The pasExpense Dictionary module allows users to lookup ledger accounting account codes, analysis, and valid permutations of these elements using common terms.
This module functions within the standard role-based security inheritance chain described in the tab designer topic. For more information on the roles referenced in this section please see the role based security topic. Administrative users can configure additional module settings by clicking the button.
If the module has not been specifically configured the end user will be allowed to select any expense dictionary for which they have access rights as set in the Expense Dictionary Manager module by an administrative user.
This module requires specific configuration prior to use in the Module Settings editor. Please see the pasExpense Dictionary Configuration page for configuration instructions.
If a specific expense dictionary has not been previously configured the user can select a dictionary from the drop down. If a dictionary was already selected or upon selection by the end-user the search interface will appear.
To search the dictionary enter a term in the search terms box and click the button. Additionally, the user can click the Advanced Search link which allows the user to filter the results by any of the custom dimensions defined in the dictionary.
NOTE: Expense dictionaries are created using the pasExpense application.
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