The Checklist Manager module is used create and configure the Checklist Trees and their child Checklists for display in a Checklist Module.
This module functions outside the realm of the normal permissions hierarchy. It can be viewed by any user with membership in Site Administrators, Security Administrators, or Dashboard Management site-level roles with no regard to permissions assigned to the tab on which the module is placed. For more information on the roles referenced in this section please see the role based security topic. Administrative users can configure additional module settings by clicking the button.
All administrative users have the ability to create checklist trees and manage permissions for those checklist trees.
A Checklist Tree is a means for organizing tasks and creating views to render the tasks to end users through the Checklist Module. A Checklist Tree consists of Check Tasks and Check Lists. Check Tasks are contained within a custom folder structure. Check Tasks can be completed manually by clicking a check box, or automatically by the completion of a pasUnity Job. Check Lists are configured with views that use regular expressions to target the tasks that will be rendered to a user in the Checklist Module.
Creating Checklist Trees
To add a new check trees click the
button which will open the check tree editor and allow an administrative user to define the details of the new check tree. Once filled in, click the
button to save the check tree.
•Tree Name: The unique name to differentiate this tree from other Checklist hierarchies. This tree will be the root for a grouping of Checklists you can subsequently define.
•Enable Email Notifications: Whether email notifications will be sent to users for upcoming and overdue tasks.
•Mass Role Assignment: If a Checklist Tree contains multiple Check Tasks it can be time consuming to assign roles to each individual task. The mass role assignment editor lets you assign roles to all tasks that have a name that matches a regular expression. This regular expression applies to all tasks in all folders in the tree. After entering a regular expression, choosing at least one role, and specifying the type of permission, press the button. If the task is a match to the regular expression, either all specified roles will receive the specified permission, or if the permission value is None all specified roles will be revoked permission from the task. If a regular expression is left blank, permission values are assigned or revoked to and from all tasks that are in the tree.
Creating Tasks
After a check tree is created, use the Check Tasks tab to add new folders and tasks to the tree. The Check Tasks tab is split into two sections with Task Folders on the left and Check Tasks on the right. First, click the click the
button to prompt for a new folder name. After a folder is created, it may recursively be cloned to duplicate the entire child structure and all tasks contained within by specifying a new folder name and clicking the
button. To navigate the folders, click on a folder name. If the folder is bold is it expanded to show child folders. If the folder name is highlighted blue, this is the currently active folder and tasks will be shown for this folder in the Check Tasks section. You may also use the copy button to copy the regular-expression escaped path for the folder to configure a Check View.
•Folder Name: The name of the folder to create. Each folder name within each depth level must be unique, and folder names cannot contain backslashes.
•Mass Role Assignment: If a Checklist Tree contains multiple Check Tasks it can be time consuming to assign roles to each individual task. The mass role assignment editor lets you assign roles to all tasks that have a name that matches a regular expression. This regular expression applies to all tasks in the current selected folder in the tree. After entering a regular expression, choosing at least one role, and specifying the type of permission, press the button. If the task is a match to the regular expression, either all specified roles will receive the specified permission, or if the permission value is None all specified roles will be revoked permission from the task. If a regular expression is left blank, permission values are assigned or revoked to and from all tasks that are in the folder.
Once the folder has been created, click the
button to prompt for a new task. After the task is created, access to individual Folders and Tasks may be defined with pasPortal roles, use the Security icon to assign the roles. You may also use the copy button to copy the regular-expression escaped path for the task to configure a Check View.
•Task Name: The unique name of the task within this check folder.
•Missed Notification Days: The number of days that must pass after a task becomes due before it is considered late. If the value is omitted, email notifications will not be sent for this task, even if it is late. A value of 0 indicates that a task is considered late if it is not completed on the exact day that it is due.
•Effective Date: The date the task becomes effective. If no date is specified, the task is not expected to be completed.
•Frequency: The interval for which the task must be completed.
oOne Time: The check task must only be completed once.
▪Due Date: Only applicable if the frequency is set to One Time. This is the date the task must be completed by.
oRecurring: The task must be completed on a recurring interval.
▪Daily: The task must be completed every day.
▪Weekly: The task must be completed weekly. Specify the days of the week the task must be completed.
▪Monthly: The task must be completed monthly. Specify the days of the month the task must be completed, or Last to indicate the last day of the month.
▪Quarterly: The task must be completed each quarter based on the FY Start Month defined on the tree. Specify whether this will be the first or last day of the quarter.
▪Annually: The task must be completed each year based on the FY Start Month defined on the tree. Specify whether this will be the first or last day of the year.
•Activation: The means for completing the task. The task can be activated manually by a user clicking a check box in the Checklist module, or automatically by a pasUnity Job.
oManual: A user is expected to use the Checklist module to click a check box, indicating a task has been completed.
oUnity: A pasUnity Job is expected to update the task upon completion.
▪Allow Manual Override: Allows a user to manually complete a task that should be completed by a pasUnity Job.
Creating Checklists
After a check tree is created, use the Check Lists tab to add new lists and views to the tree. The Check Lists tab is split into two sections with Check Lists on the left and Check Views on the right. First, click the click the
button to prompt for a new list name. To navigate the lists, click on a list name. If the list name is highlighted blue, this is the currently active list and views will be shown for this list in the Check Views section.
•List Name: The name of the list to create. Each list name must be unique.
Once the list has been created, click the
button to prompt for a new view.
•View Name: The name of the view that must be unique within the check list.
After the view is created, new check view filter expressions may be added to configure the tasks that will be visible to users. Click the
button to create a new check view expression.
•Check View Filter Value: The regular expression used to navigate the hierarchical folder structure and target a task within the check tree. Double backslashes are used to separate folder names and tasks names due to this being a regular expression. For example, if a task Catch the Roadrunner is contained within the folder Wile E. Coyote, the filter value would be Catch the Roadrunner\\Wile E\. Coyote. Alternatively, you can select all tasks within the folder by specifying the filter value Catch the Roadrunner\\.*
Automatic Notifications
Additionally, a Checklist Tree can be set to enable email notifications. While Full permissions can be granted to users to give them the ability to update Check Tasks, any account that is the member of a role that has explicit Edit permissions on the Check Task will begin to receive email notifications when the task is approaching its due date, due now, or overdue. A Check Task that is overdue will always result in the roles being notified of the task status. However, if the Check Task is not due, whether you are notified about the task is dependent upon the interval the task needs to be completed, as described below.
•Daily: Email notifications are sent daily.
•Weekly: Email notifications are daily.
•Monthly: Email notifications are sent 7 days prior to the task being due.
•Quarterly: Email notifications are sent 1 month prior to the task being due.
•Annually: Email notifications are sent 3 months prior to the task being due.
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