
 Mapping Generator




Mapping Generator is used to create a new mapping by communicating with the pasTransfer product to generate a list of mapping columns, and uploads the new mapping to the pasPortal.


Mapping Name - The name for the new mapping.


Endpoint Name - The name of the desired endpoint.  This will allow for generation of connection lists from either the local or a remote copy of the pasTransfer product.


Transfer Type - The type of transfer.  Options are Account, General, Ledger, and Vendor.  This option will filter the connection types available.


Connection Type - The type of connection that the new mapping will be created for.  The mapping columns will come from the connection type.  Double clicking on a connection type will automatically set the Mapping Name to the new of the selected connection type.


After choosing a mapping name, transfer type, and connection type, the Add button will generate the new mapping and upload it to the pasPortal.  The new mapping will be displayed immediately in the Mapping Manager, and all management options will be available for the new mapping.


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