





Hosts are a collection of addresses that you wish to monitor using ICMP Ping or connect to using Remote Desktop Protocol.


When you right-click on the Hosts node you are presented with the following menu options:



Add New Host...

Add New Active Directory Host...

Remove Legacy Active Directory Host...

Copy Host Names...

Toggle Pinging...



This allows you to refresh the collection of hosts after a change has been made (or if you are running multiple copies of pasControl and wish to see changes made in the second copy).


Add New Host...

Once you click on the Add New Host... option, you will be asked to enter the IPv4 address, DNS name, or NetBIOS name of the remote host used to define a new host entry.  Afterwards the host editor will be displayed to finish customizing your host properties.


Add New Active Directory Host...

Once you click on the Add New Active Directory Host... option, you will be prompted for the Active Directory domain name and an account authorized to enumerate computers in the domain.  The source for domain names is the list of existing host entries.  You can additionally choose which types of computers (workstations and clusters) to include in the results.  Upon connecting you can select all of those hosts to add that are not already in the current host collection.


Remove Legacy Active Directory Host...

Once you click on the Remove Legacy Active Directory Host... option, you will be prompted for the Active Directory domain name and an account authorized to enumerate computers in the domain.  Upon connecting you can select all of these hosts from the current host collection that no longer exist in the connected Active Directory and remove them from the current hosts collection.


Copy Names...

This menu option allows you to copy the host address of each host to the clipboard where they can be pasted into another application using CTRL+V (Paste).  The two options available allow generation of the list as either a multi-line entry with one address per line or all addresses on one line and separated by a semicolon character.


Toggle Pinging...

Toggles a persistent pinging of all hosts that does not end until the option is selected a second time.  While the ping is active a good connection is designated by a green gear, a failed connection by a red gear, and an unresolvable address by a yellow gear.  Toggling pinging on all hosts may require a significant amount of local workstation resources so it is not advised that this be employed on a low powered machine or one with limited resources and it is advised that this feature be disabled when not actively needed.


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