





A favorite represents the URL to a resource that can be accessed using your default browser engine or a handler registered with your operating system.


Clicking on a favorite opens the favorite in the display pane.  To edit the favorite, you must right-click the favorite and select the Edit option which will display an editor that allows you to modify the following properties:


Name - the name by which the account is known within pasControl.

URL - the URL (specified using complete URI notation) for the resource you wish to access.

Tool Tip - the help text that appears when a user hovers the mouse over the favorite node in the navigation pane.


After configuring your favorite properties ensure that you press the Save button to retain your settings.



When you right-click on a favorite node you are presented with the following menu options:





Open In New Window



This refreshes the favorite details from the database and reloads the URL.



Removes the favorite details from the database.



Displays the editor control for the favorite.  Ensure that you press Save after making any changes.


Open In New Window...

Allows opening the URL in a new window using the URI handler registered in the operating system.  For FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS this is your default web browser.  This option may be necessary for pages that used advanced features such as pop-up windows and certain types of script.


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