An account represents the credentials used to connect to a Remote Desktop session.
Clicking on an account opens the account editor where you may configure the following properties:
•Friendly Name - the name by which the account is known within pasControl.
•User Principal Name - the username in email address format; or for legacy servers distinguished name (DOMAIN\USERNAME) is still supported.
•Password - the password used to connect to the remote host.
After configuring your account properties ensure that you press the Save button to retain your settings.
When you right-click on an account node you are presented with the following menu options:
This refreshes the account details from the database.
Removes the account details from the system. Any connection that references the account will be retained but will have its account property reset and will default to prompting the user for credentials the next time it is used. For already established connections no effect is observed until the connection is disconnected and reconnected.
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