





Welcome to your pasUnity experience!




pasUnity is an enterprise automation tool that greatly simplifies the creation, management, execution, and reporting of simple and complex workloads throughout an enterprise.


Users deploy agents, define jobs, design the conditions that trigger those jobs, monitor execution, and report on the system all from a centralized console.


pasUnity works independently as a self-contained solution capable of performing a nearly limitless range of IT tasks or integrates smoothly with other pasUNITY Enterprise Suite offerings such as our pasTransfer accounting ETL tool or our pasPortal collaborative web portal to create a powerful accounting data transformation architecture with a rich and powerful web UI.


IT administrators will love pasUnity for simple interface, robust capabilities, detailed logging, and extensibility. Tasks commonly automated include database backups, proactive nightly maintenance, synchronizing file shares, PowerShell script execution, software deployments, report generation, file transfers, and the list goes on.


Accounting users will love pasUnity for it's ease of use and advanced functions that make moving and reconciling accounting data so easy. Tasks commonly automated include data extraction, transformation, and load from disparate accounting systems - often where native import/export capabilities do not even exist.


pasUnity can connect many combinations of applications, services, and data across an unlimited number of locations and business units - departments, clients, suppliers, partners and companies.


pasUnity is supported on all modern and some legacy Windows client and server operating systems making it a good fit for administering environment anywhere from bleeding edge to legacy.


Copyright © 2024 pasUNITY, Inc.


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