To compose a new SMTP email message, highlight an Account node from the navigation tree view, right-click the node, and select Compose SMTP Message... from the context menu. You will be presented with an email authoring form that will ultimately be used to send a message from the selected account. You will optionally be able to modify recipient, attachment, and content details.
•From: This is the email address the message will appear as having been sent by. This defaults to the email address of the selected account. NOTE: Not all mail systems allow you to override this value.
•To: This is the email address(es) of the primary visible recipient(s) of the message. Separate multiple addresses with either a comma (,) or semicolon (;).
•CC: This is the email address(es) of the courtesy-copied recipient(s) of the message. Separate multiple addresses with either a comma (,) or semicolon (;).
•BCC: This is the email address(es) of the blind courtesy-copied recipient(s) of the message. These recipients will not be visible on the generated email message. Separate multiple addresses with either a comma (,) or semicolon (;).
•Subject: This is the subject of the email message. It should generally not be left blank as many email systems will not accept a blank or empty subject.
•Attachments: This is the list of file-based attachments that will be included on the email message. Click the Add button to include additional files in the list. Highlight an attachment in the list and press DELETE to remove it. A file may not appear multiple times in the list. NOTE: Some email systems have a limit on the maximum storage size of attachments and may prevent delivery if you exceed that limit.
•Body: The HTML editor will allow you to compose the HTML body of the email message. To create a hyperlink in the body of the message simply type a full URL that includes a protocol (such as HTTP or HTTPS) or type an email address. The text will automatically up-convert to an HTML anchor tag.
When you are finished composing your message press the Send button to deliver it to the SMTP system. Upon completion a message box will appear with a success or failure message and detail. The window will not close on its own.
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