
  Save Attachment




The Save Attachment job step type is used extract a single attachment from a message received on a POP3 mailbox and save it to a file. 


This job step type extends basic job step functionality.  For details common to all job step types click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all job steps this job step type has the following attributes:

Target Attachment Name: Expected name of the attachment to save.  If the attachment is not found the job step will fail.  Wildcard search notation may be used.  For detailed information on wildcards see the Wildcards topic.

Attachment Save Location: An existing folder in which to save the file. The job step will fail if the folder does not exist.

Reset {UNITY-SOURCE-FILE} and Related Tokens: Regardless of whatever file triggered the job to execute, or the value stored in the Source File parameter of the job definition, this option gives you the ability to override the value of {UNITY-SOURCE-FILE}, {UNITY-SOURCE-FILE-NAME}, and {UNITY-SOURCE-FILE-PATH} that are provided to subsequent job steps with the name of the file attachment that is saved during this step.

Require Date in File Name: Select this option to require that a valid date is embedded in the attachment file name. Date can be in yyyyMMdd, yyyy-MM-dd, or yyyy.MM.dd format.  Example, FileName_20130831_revised.txt.  NOTE: The actual regular expression syntax used to detect a date in the file name is [12][0-9]{3}[.-]?[01][0-9][.-]?[0-3][0-9]

File Date Parameter (Optional): The name of a parameter in which to store a date detected in the attachment file name for further processing.

NOTE: Only one attachment can be saved from each email.  If multiple attachments are included in the email the first file that meets the criteria will be saved and all other files will not be saved.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.


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