
  Forward Message




The Forward Message job step type is used to forward a message received from a POP3 mailbox to an SMTP recipient. 


The message is forwarded using the SMTP server information configured on the agent to which the parent job belongs.


This job step type extends basic job step functionality.  For details common to all job step types click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all job steps this job step type has the following attributes:

SMTP Account: The (optional) SMTP email account the message will be sent from.  The Agent email account will be used if not configured.

Message From: The email address (optional) of the account that the message will appear to be coming from.

Message To: The destination address(es) of SMTP recipients.  Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.

Message Reply To: The email address(es) (optional) of the account(s) that replies should be directed to.  Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.

CC: Email address(es) to which you would like to courtesy copy the message. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.

BCC: Email address(es) to which you would like to blind courtesy copy the message. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.

Subject: You can supply a new value or preserve the original subject using the {MESSAGE-SUBJECT} processing token.

Processing Timeout: The length of time that pasUnity will attempt to transmit the message to the SMTP server before terminating the connection and reporting failure.  The default is 5 minutes.

Include Original Attachments with Message: Selecting this option causes any attachments received with the original message to be included with the forwarded message.

Send using HTML format: Often messages are transmitted with multiple views (text and HTML). This option allows you to forward only the HTML view if it exists and if not to create it from the text view.

<Body>: This section allows you to specify the contents of the message or preserve the original contents using either {MESSAGE-BODY-HTML} or {MESSAGE-BODY-TEXT}.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.


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