
  pasTransfer ETL




The pasTransfer ETL job step type is used to execute a pasTransfer transformation operation on a hosted instance of the pasTransfer ETL application.


This job step type extends basic job step functionality.  For details common to all job step types click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all job steps this job step type has the following attributes:


Configuration tab:

Endpoint Name: The WCF endpoint configuration that specified how the connection is made to the pasTransfer Endpoint Service.  Pre-configured endpoints include one based on TCP connections secured using Windows accounts and two variations of HTTP binding that allow for communication over the Internet using standard practices.

Machine Name: The NETBIOS, DNS name, or IP address of the server running the pasTransfer Endpoint Service.  It is recommended that {SYSTEM-NAME} if the job targets the local instance of pasTransfer and there is a chance the job will be moved to another agent in the future.

Transfer Type: Choose the type of data to process: Ledger, Vendor, Account

Source Configuration: The name of the pasPortal ETL source configuration as managed by the pasTransfer Endpoint Service that contains the name and settings of the source connection to use in the transformation operation.

Destination Configuration: The name of the pasPortal ETL destination configuration as managed by the pasTransfer Endpoint Service that contains the name and settings of the destination connection to use in the transformation operation.

Source File Name (Optional): The name of the file that the pasTransfer Endpoint service will need to import.  This may be one of the custom parsing tokens visible by clicking the Macros button.  If not provided the value stored in the Source Configuration settings is used.

Destination File Name (Optional): The name of the file that the pasTransfer Endpoint service will need to write to.  This may be one of the custom parsing tokens visible by clicking the Macros button.  If not provided the value stored in the Destination Configuration settings is used.

Audit File Name (Optional): The name of the file that the pasTransfer Endpoint service will detail audit information to.  This may be one of the custom parsing tokens visible by clicking the Macros button.  If not provided the value stored in the Destination Configuration settings is used.

Transaction Date (Optional): The transaction date/offset entry date that will override the default value used by pasTransfer.  The default value is usually the prior calendar date for most interfaces.  When this value is known it should be provided.

Source Culture (Optional): The name of the culture settings in ISO format for the culture settings used to parse amounts and dates from a source system.  If blank the value stored in pasTransfer from the previous execution will be used instead.  NOTE: Requires pasTransfer or higher.

Destination Culture (Optional): The name of the culture settings in ISO format for the culture settings used to format amounts and dates in the destination system.  If blank the value stored in pasTransfer from the previous execution will be used instead.  NOTE: Requires pasTransfer or higher.

Advance Options tab:

Advanced Options: This is a collection of name/value pair values that are provided to pasTransfer to allow for communication of additional values that may be needed by source and destination connections during processing.

Name: Unique value that names the option being sent to pasTransfer.  This value is NOT case sensitive.

Value: This value must be a string representation of the named value being provided.

Protected: If checked this will hide the option value from the job logs in pasTransfer.  NOTE: Requires pasTransfer or higher.

Omission Reporting tab:

Omission Reporting: This tab will only appear if Service Credentials are defined in the System Configuration.  This is a set of options for reporting mapping omissions encountered during pasTransfer job execution back to the pasPortal framework where an end user may account for them.

Report Unmapped Accounts: When this option is selected the mapping omissions (accounts present in the source file but not present on the mapping sheet) will be saved to the corresponding pasPortal mapping.

Auto-Reprocess Associated Work: When this option is selected the work that failed will be notified to re-attempt processing after the mapping omissions have been addressed and updated information has been checked back in to the corresponding pasPortal mapping.  NOTE: Only files where all unmapped accounts have now been mapped will automatically reprocess.  NOTE: This option is only enabled when a Matrix Service Callback URL is defined in the System Configuration.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.


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