
  Batch Process




The Batch Process job step type is used to dynamically execute a batch of commands for interpretation by the Windows Command Shell.


This job step type extends basic job step functionality.  For details common to all job step types click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all job steps this job step type has the following attributes:


Commands tab:

Commands: The batch commands to execute.

Security tab:

Username: Optional. Windows user name in DOMAIN\USERNAME or USERNAME@DOMAIN format.  If provided the process will be launched in the provided security context within its own Window Station Desktop instead of that of the service account when executed automatically or the interactive user when the job is executed manually.

Password: Optional. Password for the Windows user name used to launch the process.

IO Redirection tab:

Redirect Standard Output: When checked allows pasUnity to intercept the command line output of the application to include in verbose audit logs and detailed exception event log entries.  When the job is executed manually pasUnity will display redirected messages to the trace pane at the bottom of the user interface.

Redirect Standard Error: When checked allows pasUnity to intercept the command line exception stream of the application to include in verbose audit logs and detailed exception event log entries.  When the job is executed manually pasUnity will display redirected messages to the trace pane at the bottom of the user interface.

Advanced tab:

Processing Timeout: The process timeout.  If this timeout period is exceeded the process is automatically terminated and the job step will report failure.

Fail Job on Non-Zero Exit Code: If checked the job step will automatically report failure if an exit code with a non-zero value is returned.  Check the documentation for the executable you are running before checking this box as some executables return non-zero values intentionally under normal circumstances.

Load User Profile: When launching an application with an alternate set of credentials, checking this option allows the process access to custom registry settings and profile application data.

Parse Script and Apply Macros: Check if you wish to transform pasUnity macros and parsing expressions before the batch is executed.

Echo Commands to the Log: Check if you wish to echo commands to the log file.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.


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