Schedule |
The Schedule impeller is used to execute a job either once at a specific time or at regular intervals.
This impeller extends basic impeller functionality. For details common to all job impellers click here.
In addition to the common attributes shared by all impellers this impeller type has the following attributes:
•Status: Displays the date and time that the schedule was last executed and the date and time of the next scheduled run.
•Frequency: You can choose to execute a job only once, at daily intervals, on specific days of the week, or on specific days of the month.
•One Time
•Start: The date and time the schedule will use to enqueue a job for processing.
•Start: The earliest date and time that the schedule may be used to enqueue a job for processing.
•Run Every: Specifies a run interval in days. Example, run every 2 days.
•Repeats Every: Available when the Repeats option is checked to specify a sub-day minute or hour repeat interval. Optionally, an end time can be supplied that will limit repeat intervals. Example, repeat every 1 hour until 06:00:00 PM.
•Expires: Available when the Expires option is checked to specify a date and time past which the scheduler will no longer enqueue jobs for processing.
•Week days: Specifies the days of the week on which the scheduler will run.
•Repeats Every: Available when the Repeats option is checked to specify a sub-day minute or hour repeat interval. Optionally, an end time can be supplied that will limit repeat intervals. Example, repeat every 1 hour until 06:00:00 PM.
•Expires: Available when the Expires option is checked to specify a date and time past which the scheduler will no longer enqueue jobs for processing.
•Month days: Specifies the date(s) in the month on which the scheduler will run. The user can also select Last to only run the job on the last day of each month.
•Repeats Every: Available when the Repeats option is checked to specify a sub-day minute or hour repeat interval. Optionally, an end time can be supplied that will limit repeat intervals. Example, repeat every 1 hour until 06:00:00 PM.
•Expires: Available when the Expires option is checked to specify a date and time past which the scheduler will no longer enqueue jobs for processing.
After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes and see the next time the schedule is eligible to impel a job.
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