




The Remote impeller is used to enqueue a job for execution by interacting with a pasUnity web service.  The web service must be consumed by custom code (such as an ASP.NET web page).


In order to be able to activate jobs via remote impellers the end user must be granted Execute permission on the remote impeller and read or higher permission on the job.


This impeller extends basic impeller functionality.  For details common to all job impellers click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all impellers this impeller type has the following attributes:

Parse Parameter Macros: When checked the values of incoming parameters are parsed immediately at the time they prior to being queued.

Allow Multiple Instances:  Determines whether more than one item of work can exist in the queue that has this impeller as the source.  The default is unchecked which prevents duplicate work items.  The option to allow multiple instances can be checked when the work in the queue may vary by parameter values and having multiple work items for the same impeller is desired.

Hide Job Parameter Macros:  Determines whether parameter macros defined on the job (as opposed to the impeller) are visible to the enumerate and activate remote impeller web services.  The default is unchecked which exposed parameters defined on jobs.  When checked only parameters defined on the remote impeller not marked as hidden will be exposed.  It is possible to create parameters with the same name as a job parameter and that parameter can be used override a job parameter.

Instructions: The instructions presented to the user when selecting the impeller for execution in a remote UI, such as the pasPortal.

Parameter Overrides: See the Working with Parameters topic for information on how to configure and use advanced parameter options.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.

NOTE: This impeller type is dependent on the pasUnity Payload Agent service and cannot be activated if the service is not running.


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