




The Payload impeller is used to enqueue a job for execution when a payload meeting certain criteria is received by an XML web service hosted by the pasUnity Payload Agent service.


This impeller extends basic impeller functionality.  For details common to all job impellers click here.


In addition to the common attributes shared by all impellers this impeller type has the following attributes:

XML Namespace: The XML namespace that defines the payload type.  Example: NOTE: Selecting the drop-down list will show you a list of XML namespaces detected in payloads already stored in the system.

Source ID: A character string used to identify the source system that uploaded the payload.

Translation Matrix: A sub-identifier string used to instruct payload processing tools which configuration and mappings are to be used in translating the data.

Contributer Email: The email address of an allowed sender.  This is an optional value.  If it is not configured the impeller will enqueue work for any account that submits payloads matching the other criteria.

After making changes be sure to press the Update button to save your changes.

NOTE: You will need to restart the pasUnity Payload Agent service for the changes to take effect.


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