The value concealer is used to generate a Reveal macro command that can be used to conceal sensitive information so that it cannot be copied used or viewed outside a specific scope.
When the Reveal macro is used within parameter definitions or the parameter job step the resolved value will not be exposed to the end-user via the job history logs. Caution should be exercised, however, as it is still possible to use the macro in job steps that echo content to the log that may contain resolved values such as the scripting job steps.
The Concealer form can be opened from the Job, Job Step, and Impeller designers.
To conceal a value first select a scope. The scope determines at which level a value is encrypted and encoded and also determines at which levels the values may be revealed.
•System: Values with System scope may be used anywhere within the job designer hierarchy. If system level Reveal macros are contained within a job they will continue to work even if the job is moved or copied to another agent in the system. Reveal macros in jobs that are exported to file will continue to function if imported into the same system instance but will not work resolve if imported into another instance.
•Agent: Values with Agent scope may be used within the job designer hierarchy only for jobs contained within a specific agent. If agent level Reveal macros are contained within a job they will continue to work even if the job is cloned as long as the copy is not stored on another agent. Reveal macros in jobs that are exported to file will continue to function if imported into the same agent on the same system instance but will not work resolve if imported anywhere else.
•Job: Values with Job scope may be used anywhere in the job designer hierarchy for a single, specific job definition. If job level Reveal macros are contained within a job they will not work if the job is cloned but will continue to work if the job is moved to another agent. Reveal macros in jobs that are exported to file will not work if imported.
•Job Step: Values with Job Step scope may be used only within a specific job step of a specific job. If job step level Reveal macros are contained within a job they will not work if the job is cloned but will continue to work if the job is moved to another agent. Reveal macros in jobs that are exported to file will not work if imported. This option is only visible from the Job Step designer.
•Impeller: Values with Impeller scope may be used anywhere within the job designer of the specific job to which the impeller belongs. Impeller scoped Reveal macros will only resolve if the job was triggered by the impeller from which the value was concealed. If impeller level Reveal macros are contained within a job they will not work if the job is cloned but will continue to work if the job is moved to another agent. Reveal macros in jobs that are exported to file will not work if imported. This option is only visible from the Impeller designer.
After choosing the appropriate scope enter the text to conceal into the value box.
To generate your Reveal macro press the Conceal button. Upon pressing the button your value will be encrypted and encoded and then copied to the clipboard where it can be easily pasted into your desired location with the CTRL+V from the keyboard.
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