Copies a property value from the underlying text reader on a Universal Text File source connection.
1.TextRow - Name of the Macro.
2.Name of the property to copy - Valid values are CurrentLine, CurrentRow, GroupKey, GroupRow, and RawRow.
The current line number (1-based) of the actual position within the text file where the row was read from.
The current row number (0-based) of the actual row in the order that it was successfully parsed from the source file.
The name of the group key (if any) used to parse the row when regular expressions are being used to process the file. This value is only populated when Rules are applied and a Start regular expression is matched.
The value of the row (if any) that corresponds to the match generated when the GroupKey was matched against a Start expression. This value is only populated when Rules are applied and a Start regular expression is matched.
Copies the raw text of the row prior to parsing into columns.
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