Database Query Mapping Provider Connection




The Database Query Mapping Provider allows you to connect to any data source through the use of SQL Server, OLEDB, and ODBC connections.  Select the provider which allows connection to the data source which contains the mappings and lookups.


SQL Server

Enable Macros: Allow the use of macro commands within all fields of the connection string.

SQL Server Name: The name of the SQL Server to connect to.

Windows Authentication: When checked the connection to SQL Server will be made using the Windows security context of the process that is running pasTransfer. When executed manually this is the context of the interactive user. When executed automatically this is the security context of the pasUnity Processing Agent.

SQL Server Authentication: When checked the connection to SQL Server will be made using SQL Standard authentication which is comprised of a login name and password pair.

Login Name: The SQL Server login name when using SQL Server authentication.

Password: The password for the SQL Server login when using SQL Server authentication.

Remember Password: This should always be checked when using SQL Server authentication or the transfer will fail.

Database Name: The SQL Server database which contains your mapping data.

Deploy Schema: Grants the user the option to deploy a default schema to the database, which includes an Indicator and Mapping table.  Before the schema is deployed, the user may review the connection information and the entire schema which will be executed and make desired changes as desired.


Use Connection Macros: Allow the use of macro commands within the connection string.

Connection String: A string which includes the data source name and other parameters needed to establish the initial connection.  Double-clicking this text box will open the OLEDB connection string editor.


Use Connection Macros: Allow the use of macro commands within the connection string.

Choose DSN:  Lists all available system data sources which you currently have access to and sets the ODBC connection string to desired data source.  This will overwrite any text currently in the connection string.

ODBC DSN Editor:  Launches the ODBC Data Source application in order to edit existing or create new data sources.

Connection String Help: Launches the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) website offering support for ODBC connection strings.

Connection String: A string which includes the data source name and other parameters needed to establish the initial connection.

Note: Clicking Next will attempt to make a connection with the provided connection details.  If a connection is unable to be established, you cannot proceed to the next page.


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