PayChex Employee Time




PayChex Employee Time


The PayChex Employee Time source allows you to extract employee time and rate details from the PayChex Time Web Services.


PayChex Time Web Services Logon

(Optional) Scheme Name: The HTTP URI scheme to use for the connection.  PayChex uses https by default.

Host Name: The connection details on where to locate the web service.  Double click the Host Name label to fill in the default host name.

(Optional) Port Number: The port number the web service is listening on.  If no port number is specified the default port for the scheme name is used.

Customer Alias: The customer alias of a specific brand that is created internally in time web services and then given to a third party.  Do not provide if Customer Alias External has been provided.

Customer Alias External: The external customer alias of a specific brand that is maintained by the requesting party.  Do not provide if Customer Alias has been provided.

Shared Key: The web service key which is used to validate a specific customer.

User Name: The name of the user authenticating against the web services.

Password: The password of the user authenticating against the web services.

Timeout: The duration a web service request should spend awaiting a response from the web server before the request is abandoned.

Test: Press to test the specified credentials by submitting a login request.  A successful request will display a token in the text box.  A failed response will display the failure in the text box.

PayChex Time Export Macros

(Optional) Time Zone:  The time zone used to apply offsets to for date filters.  If no time zone is provided, UTC is assumed.

(Optional) Start Date:  The earliest date to extract employee time data.  If no start date is provided, default to the Transaction Date.

(Optional) End Date:  The latest date to extract employee time data.  If no start date is provided, default to the Transaction Date.

(Optional) Export Matrix Selection Type:  Determines how to get export code matrix data.  Valid values are BasedOnEachDay, BasedOnStartOfExportedPeriod, BasedOnEndOfExportedPeriod, and BasedOnExportName.

(Optional) Export Matrix Name:  The name of the export code matrix that should be used for exporting time when Export Matrix Selection Type is set to value BasedOnExportName.

(Optional) Employee Identifiers:  A comma (,) or semi-colon (;) delimited list of employee identifiers used to filter the results from the web services.

(Optional) Enable Forecast Hours:  Enable forecast hours in the response output.

(Optional) Enable Duplicate Differential As Regular:  Enable duplication of shift differential as regular hours.

(Optional) Enable Duplicate Overtime As Regular:  Enable duplication of overtime hours as regular hours.

(Optional) Filter By Time Card Approval Level:  Filters time card approval levels by a manager or admin approval.

Ledger Attributes

This connection extracts information and creates a Journal Line with certain common properties that may be used for mapping as detailed by the Copy macro command.


Generates journal lines, including zero value results, comprised of the following values from the query results.

Account Code: The employee identifier.

Amount: The decimal representation of the employee hours.

Transaction Date: The end date of the range queried for hours..

Accounting Period: The accounting period is based on the default value as determined by the value of the passed Transaction Date.

After a Journal Line is generated the following additional fields are added and may be used in mapping with the Attribute macro command.


AdminApproved - Whether the time card entry has been approved by an admin.

EmployeeApproved - Whether the time card entry has been approved by an employee.

EmployeeNote - The employee note for the time card entry.

ExportCode - The export code for the time card entry.

LaborLevelCode1 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 1.

LaborLevelCode2 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 2.

LaborLevelCode3 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 3.

LaborLevelCode4 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 4.

LaborLevelCode5 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 5.

LaborLevelCode6 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 6.

LaborLevelCode7 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 7.

LaborLevelCode8 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 8.

LaborLevelCode9 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 9.

LaborLevelCode10 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 10.

LaborLevelCode11 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 11.

LaborLevelCode12 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 12.

LaborLevelCode13 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 13.

LaborLevelCode14 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 14.

LaborLevelCode15 - The Home Labor Levels or cost center at level 15.

ManagerApproved - Whether the time card entry has been approved by a manager.

Manager2Approved - Whether the time card entry has been approved by a manager.

ManagerNote - The manager note for the time card entry.

PayRate - The pay rate for a Time Card type time card entry or how much an employee is paid per hour.  This attribute is not populated on Pay Adjustment type entries.

ShiftCode - The shift code for the time card entry.

TimeHours - The employee time represented as decimal hours.  Originates from the Amount field.

TimeSeconds - The employee time represented as integral seconds.  Originates from the Amount2 field.

Type - The type of export item.  Valid values are TimeCard and PayAdjustment.


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