PayChex Employee Time |
•(Optional) Scheme Name: The HTTP URI scheme to use for the connection. PayChex uses https by default.
•Host Name: The connection details on where to locate the web service. Double click the Host Name label to fill in the default host name.
•(Optional) Port Number: The port number the web service is listening on. If no port number is specified the default port for the scheme name is used.
•Customer Alias: The customer alias of a specific brand that is created internally in time web services and then given to a third party. Do not provide if Customer Alias External has been provided.
•Customer Alias External: The external customer alias of a specific brand that is maintained by the requesting party. Do not provide if Customer Alias has been provided.
•Shared Key: The web service key which is used to validate a specific customer.
•User Name: The name of the user authenticating against the web services.
•Password: The password of the user authenticating against the web services.
•Timeout: The duration a web service request should spend awaiting a response from the web server before the request is abandoned.
•Test: Press to test the specified credentials by submitting a login request. A successful request will display a token in the text box. A failed response will display the failure in the text box.
•(Optional) Time Zone: The time zone used to apply offsets to for date filters. If no time zone is provided, UTC is assumed.
•(Optional) Start Date: The earliest date to extract employee time data. If no start date is provided, default to the Transaction Date.
•(Optional) End Date: The latest date to extract employee time data. If no start date is provided, default to the Transaction Date.
•(Optional) Export Matrix Selection Type: Determines how to get export code matrix data. Valid values are BasedOnEachDay, BasedOnStartOfExportedPeriod, BasedOnEndOfExportedPeriod, and BasedOnExportName.
•(Optional) Export Matrix Name: The name of the export code matrix that should be used for exporting time when Export Matrix Selection Type is set to value BasedOnExportName.
•(Optional) Employee Identifiers: A comma (,) or semi-colon (;) delimited list of employee identifiers used to filter the results from the web services.
•(Optional) Enable Forecast Hours: Enable forecast hours in the response output.
•(Optional) Enable Duplicate Differential As Regular: Enable duplication of shift differential as regular hours.
•(Optional) Enable Duplicate Overtime As Regular: Enable duplication of overtime hours as regular hours.
•(Optional) Filter By Time Card Approval Level: Filters time card approval levels by a manager or admin approval.
This connection extracts information and creates a Journal Line with certain common properties that may be used for mapping as detailed by the Copy macro command.
•Account Code: The employee identifier.
•Amount: The decimal representation of the employee hours.
•Transaction Date: The end date of the range queried for hours..
•Accounting Period: The accounting period is based on the default value as determined by the value of the passed Transaction Date.
After a Journal Line is generated the following additional fields are added and may be used in mapping with the Attribute macro command.
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