Text File




Text File


The Text File destination allows the transformation of a source document into a delimited or fixed-width text file.


Text File Export Page


The Text File Export Page handles all of the setup options for the text document to be created.


General Tab

File Format: The format which the text file will be created.

oDelimited:  In a delimited text file, a delimiter character is selected, and is used to separate each column being represented in the text file.

oFixed-Width:  No delimiter is selected.  The columns are at a set character length that cannot be exceeded.

Include Column Names: Select this option if the first row of the text document should contain the column names.

Encoding: The method which is used to store characters to the text file.

Row Delimiter: The delimiter used to separate each line of data.  Typically in a Windows based system, {Cr}{Lf} (Carriage Return/Line Feed) is used to mark a new line, while just {Lf} is used in Unix systems.

Column Delimiter: The delimiter used to separate columns in the text file.  This option is only available if the file format chosen is Delimited.

Text Qualifier: The character used to differentiate between a text column and non text column.  Typically, double quotation marks (" ") are used.  This option is only available if the file format chosen is Delimited.

Escape Character: When text qualifiers are used, this is the character used to escape the text qualifier itself if it appears in a value.  This option is only available if the file format chosen is Delimited.

Header And Footer Tab

Header: The first row of the document.  This appears before the column names.

Footer: The final row of the document.

Advanced Tab

Preserve Zero Amounts: By default, zero amounts are excluded from the destination.  Selecting this option will preserve zero amounts in the text file.

Text Writer Column Macros Page


The Text Writer Column Macros Page is used to map properties and attributes from the source document to columns on the text file.  The list box on the left contains all of the available macros originating from the source document.  These support drag and drop, and can be dropped into the column macros data grid.  The column name will default to the name of the attribute or property.  The column macros data grid also supports drag and drop, allowing you to change the order of the columns to appear in the text file.  If a fixed-width file format was chosen, the column macros grid will contain 2 additional columns, Start and Length.  The start column is the 0-based (the very first character is 0, the second is 1, etc.) starting position of this column, and the length is how many characters this column will contain.  All columns must contain a starting position and maximum length.


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