Glossary of Terms |
Account Code
A code used to represent a ledger account to which revenue and expenses are allocated.
Account Type
A classification system for accounts which includes None, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Creditor, Debtor, Trader, and Statistic.
Non-standard fields of data available in a source file. Attributes change based on the source and can be accessed using the Attribute macro.
Context Menu
A menu that appears upon right-clicking an item which provides options specific to that item.
Decrease in an asset or increase in a liability or capital. When used as a processing style sets all values to a negative amount.
An abbreviation for Debit/Credit.
Increase in an asset or decrease in a liability or capital. When used as a processing style sets all values to a positive amount.
A WCF service definition that specified where the protocol, address, port, and path to a service as well as describing how the service is secured.
Acronym for the industry term Extract, Transform, and Load. A process that involves extracting data from a source, transforming it to fit operational needs, and loading it into the end target (such as a database).
Event Viewer
A component of the Windows operating system which provides a centralized log service to report events that have taken place both within the operating system itself and application that operate within it.
An exception is a condition that occurs in the operation of pasTransfer or the execution of jobs in which either an unexpected or undesirable condition has occurred. Exceptions are stored in the pasTransfer application database when possible and viewable through the user interface or written to the Windows Event viewer when diagnostics mode is enabled or the database is unavailable.
File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.
GUI (or UI) is an acronym for Graphical User Interface and refers to any application component which draws a Window or interacts with a user visually.
Used in mapping tables to indicate the processing style for an individual source account.
Collection of related job steps that execute to complete a task. Jobs are comprised of job steps which perform work and impellers which queue jobs for execution.
A small piece of interpreted code used by the system to allow for simple, programmatic access to simple functions and control structures when developing script code.
A data table used to identify how source accounts should be transformed into destination data.
A subscription-based hosted collaboration and security platform that may be used to extend the built-in capabilities of pasUnity and pasTransfer by providing an extended user interface and administration framework using browser based technologies. The pasPortal application is available at
The licensing component used in pasUNITY Enterprise Suite of applications suite to selectively activate product features using either license files or license codes activated over the Internet.
An accounting-centric ETL (extract/transfer/load) tool in the pasUNITY Enterprise Suite of applications. It offers advanced features such as mapping, auditing, and lookups in addition to the base ETL functionality. When installed on the same server as pasUnity there are additional service integration menus that will appear in pasUnity to control it and job steps to interact with it.
Processing Style
A method of processing source values as either Normal, Credits, Debits, or Reversed.
A service (or Windows Service) is a software component that is capable of logging into a host operating system and performing working under its own security context and workspace without requiring a user to be interactively logged on to the host.
User Interface. Any application component which interacts with a user.
A URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locater and is a string of characters that provides minimally a schema and a host name. The full syntax of a URL appears below. A simple example would be
Value Added Tax, also referred to as Sales Tax.
WCF is an acronym for Windows Communication Foundation and is a set of technologies used for hosting XML-based services on Windows-based operating systems.
A character or string of characters that can be used to substitute for any of a defined subset of all possible characters when using pattern-matching functionality.
Extensible Markup Language is a markup language (similar to HTML) that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that both human and machine readable. XML is commonly used to define documents with a standard format that can be read by any XML-compatible application such as web services.
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