Command Line |
The pasTransfer application can be launched interactively, from the command line, or by using the pasUnity enterprise scheduler.
When launched from the command line the application has the following syntax:
pasTransfer.exe [-? | -License | -UpdateLicense | -ConfigurationBackup "Backup Path" | -Launcher | -Configure | [-Shared | -Private] [-Account | -General | -Ledger | -Vendor | -AccountWizard | -GeneralWizard | -LedgerWizard | -VendorWizard | -Query ] -Source "Source Configuration" [-SourceCulture "Source Culture"] [-SourceFile "Source File Name"] -Destination "Destination Configuration" [-DestinationCulture "Destination Culture"] [-DestinationFile "Destination File Name"] [-AuditFile "Audit File Name"] [-TransactionDate {DayOffset | "Date Value"}] [/Option Name Value] [-Quiet]]
•? - Displays the command line syntax to the end user.
•License - Toggles the display of license information at startup.
•UpdateLicense - Synchronizes the pasTransfer license with pasProtect.
•ConfigurationBackup - Creates an XML backup of all Ledger pasTransfer configurations and saves it to the specified backup path.
•Launcher - Opens a windows that provides a list of the wizards that are available to launch.
•Configure - Ensures that the correct security permissions are applied to the common registry keys when running in Shared Configuration Mode.
•Shared - Forces the application to read/write from the shared registry regardless of how the application is configured.
•Private - Forces the application to read/write from the user registry regardless of how the application is configured.
•Account - Launches the application in command line account transfer mode using a pre-configured source and destination profile.
•General - Launches the application in command line general transfer mode using a pre-configured source and destination profile.
•Ledger - Launches the application in command line ledger transfer mode using a pre-configured source and destination profile.
•Vendor - Launches the application in command line vendor transfer mode using a pre-configured source and destination profile.
•AccountWizard - Launches the application in interactive GUI mode to edit/define/run a new or existing account data ETL transfer.
•GeneralWizard - Launches the application in interactive GUI mode to edit/define/run a new or existing general data ETL transfer.
•LedgerWizard - Launches the application in interactive GUI mode to edit/define/run a new or existing ledger data ETL transfer (this is the default mode).
•VendorWizard - Launches the application in interactive GUI mode to edit/define/run a new or existing vendor data ETL transfer.
•Query - Launches the pasTransfer Query Designer in interactive GUI mode.
•Source "SOURCE CONFIGURATION" - Allows the end user to specify the name of a specific source configuration profile.
•SourceCulture "Source Culture" - Allows the end user to specify the name of a specific culture in ISO format (i.e. en-US).
•SourceFile - When used with Source allows the end user to override the file name of the source data stored in the configuration profile.
•Destination "DESTINATION CONFIGURATION" - Allows the end user to specify the name of a specific destination configuration profile.
•DestinationCulture "Destination Culture" - Allows the end user to specify the name of a specific culture in ISO format (i.e. en-US).
•DestinationFile - When used with Destination allows the end user to override the file name of the destination data stored in the configuration profile.
•AuditFile - When auditing is enabled allows the end user to override the file name of the audit file stored in the configuration profile.
•TransactionDate - Provides a transaction date override or 0-based offset of the current date to the source connection - default is yesterday.
•Option - Allows for the passing of a name/value pair for augmentation of source and destination connection processing. Values with spaces should be quoted.
•Quiet - Suppressed detailed logging information from being echoed to the console window
pasTransfer will raise an error when it encounters an unknown command line argument. This is by design. Sources and destinations are allowed access to values specified using the /Option parameter for arguments that pertain specifically to them. Please check the documentation for the sources and destinations for specific information on which command line arguments, if any, they are expecting.
•MappingServiceEndpointName - Configures the Portal Mapping Provider to use a different host name when communicating with the portal. The service endpoint name must be defined in the application configuration.
•MappingServiceUserName - Configures the Portal Mapping Provider to use a different user name to retrieve the mappings then what was saved in the configuration.
•MappingServicePassword - Configures the Portal Mapping Provider to use a different password to retrieve the mappings then what was saved in the configuration.
•MappingName - Override the global mapping. Global mapping name must be specified as DASHBOARD\MAPPING. Applicable only to the Ledger wizard.
•GlobalMappingName - Override the global mapping. Global mapping name must be specified as DASHBOARD\MAPPING. Applicable only to the Ledger wizard.
•LocalMappingName - Override the local mapping. Local mapping name must be specified as DASHBOARD\MAPPING. Applicable only to the Ledger wizard.
When pasTransfer is run from the command line it outputs an integer return code value that can be intercepted either by a calling process or through the environment to determine the outcome of command line operation.
The exit codes are as follows:
0 |
Success |
Successful job outcome. |
1 |
GeneralFailure |
Non-specific failure code. |
2 |
OutOfMemory |
Not enough memory available to execute job. |
3 |
Initialization |
Command line execution initialization. |
4 |
ParseCommandLine |
Failure parsing command line parameters. |
5 |
SourceInitialization |
Failure to initialize the source connection. |
6 |
DestinationInitialization |
Failure to initialize the destination connection. |
7 |
VerifyCompatibility |
Source and destination connections are not compatible |
8 |
ValidateSourcePrerequisites |
Source prerequisites have not been met. |
9 |
ValidateSourceInput |
Source configuration is missing or could not be loaded. |
10 |
ImportSourceData |
Failure occurred while importing source data. |
11 |
SummarizeSourceData |
Failure occurred while grouping and aggregating source data. |
12 |
ValidateDestinationPrerequisites |
Destination prerequisites have not been met. |
13 |
GenerateLookups |
Lookups from the mapping provider are downloaded and cached. |
14 |
GenerateMappings |
Failure loading and applying mappings. |
15 |
ValidateMappings |
Unmapped source entries exist after applying mappings. |
16 |
ValidateDestinationInput |
Destination configuration is missing or could not be loaded. |
17 |
ExportDestinationData |
Failure to save/export data to the destination. |
18 |
ExportXmlAuditData |
Failure to save XML audit file. |
19 |
Finalize |
Failure to perform close transactions during cleanup and unloading. |
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