Database Query Mapping Provider Options





Query Type:

Table: Select Table if the target processing defaults are located in a table.

Query: Select Query if a processing defaults are the result of a query or stored procedure.


Enable Macros: Select this option if macros should be parsed in the table name or query.  The background of these controls will change to the common macro enabled color.

Table Name: Select from the drop-down or enter the name of the table containing your processing indicators mapping data.

Query: The Transact-SQL query to execute against the SQL Server.

Load Default Query:  Loads a default query for selecting all required column names from a table named Mapping into the query code editor.

Syntax Check: Validates the provided query or table name to ensure a connection can be established and all required columns are returned in the data set.

Edit Mappings: Performs a Syntax Check on the mappings, and loads a mapping editor for which SQL mappings can be edited directly within pasTransfer.



Lookup Name:  The name of the currently selected lookup.  This field is disabled until a lookup is added.  To add a lookup, press the add button to the right of the drop-down and provide a new unique name for the lookup.  To delete the currently selected lookup, press the delete button to the right of the drop-down and confirm the deletion.  Deleting a lookup query is a permanent change which cannot be reversed.

Query Type:

Table: Select Table if the target processing defaults are located in a table.

Query: Select Query if a processing defaults are the result of a query or stored procedure.


Enable Macros: Select this option if macros should be parsed in the table name or query.  The background of these controls will change to the common macro enabled color.

Table Name: Select from the drop-down or enter the name of the table containing your processing indicators mapping data.

Query: The Transact-SQL query to execute against the SQL Server.

Syntax Check: Validates the selected lookups query or table name to ensure a connection can be established and at least two lookup columns are returned in the data set.

Edit Lookups: Performs a Syntax Check on the currently selected lookup, and loads a lookup editor for which SQL lookups can be edited directly within pasTransfer.

Editing Mappings and Lookups


Upon loading the mapping and lookup editor, a Syntax Check is performed to validate the table names and queries return the anticipated schema.  The editor will also attempt to determine whether the user is able to perform insert, update, and delete operations against the returned data sets. Below each grid, labels are shown indicating which operations can be performed.  The Mappings grid will perform validation to ensure the integrity of the mappings before allowing the user to perform an operation against the provided query or table.

Undo Changes: Discards all changes which have been applied to all grids within the editor.  The user must confirm this action and undoing changes is permanent and cannot be recovered.

Save Changes: Performs a transaction against all relevant queries or table names, executing insert, update, and delete operations for all changes made within the mapping editor.  If any operation fails, all changes are rolled back within the database.  It is not possible to save changes if transactions are not an option, as this would compromise the integrity of the data.

Refresh Mappings: Executes all queries to re-obtain fresh data from the database.  Performing this operation is not reversible and all changes made within the editor will be discarded.

Close: Closes the editor.  If there are any pending changes, the user can choose to discard them.  Otherwise, the user must save changes before being able to close the editor.


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