Import Source Data and Review Warnings




A long running import will result in a form popping up notifying you the import is in process. Pressing the cancel button will stop the processing and prevent you from moving forward in the wizard.  Once the form disappears, data has been read from the source connection and the extraction phase is complete.  In the event that warnings or errors occurred detailed information would appear on this page.  At the bottom of the page is a summary of the number of items parsed from the source and how long it took to process the data.

Total Line Items: The total number of lines of data parsed from the source connection.

Summarize On Import: When checked, an additional set of pages will appear in the wizard that allow you to specify grouping conditions that allow you to potentially reduce the amount and detail of data processed.

Import Summary: This button generates a pop-up window displaying general information which can be copied to the clipboard.

Process Again: After fixing any errors the user can click this button to reprocess the data.

NOTE: If designer mode is active, zero lines of data will be imported.


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