




The Tasks module is used to create and display task items that can be shared with other users.


This module functions within the standard role-based security inheritance chain described in the tab designer topic.  Administrative users can configure additional module settings by clicking the  button.


NOTE: This module has special configuration options.  See the Task Configuration topic for more details.


Viewing Tasks


All users with Read permissions on the tab have the ability to view tasks.  Task data is displayed in a sortable data table and can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.


Managing Tasks


Users with Edit permissions on the tab can click the  button to create a new empty task.  Users with Edit permissions on the tab can interact with the task editor and edit each task with an in-line editor.  If the task undergoes any changes, the entire row will become blue and each changed field will be be highlighted with a blue border.  Pressing the  button will save all changes for this task.  If the update fails, a red exclamation point will appear on the row of the task, and hovering over the exclamation point will show the error that prevented the update.  If the changes were made in error or not needed, press the  button to return the task back to its original state.  Users with Delete permissions on the tab can click the  button to remove the task from the system.  If a task is marked as complete, it can no longer be edited unless you are marking the task as incomplete.  Once a task becomes complete, you may have the option of hiding the task by pressing the Hide button.  Once a task is hidden, it will no longer appear when the active filter is selected.  To show the task again, press the Show button.  If a hidden task is about to become incomplete, the task will automatically be unhidden.


As task lists can potentially become large, a filter has been provided to limit the results that are being shown.  Filter values are:


Active:  Show only tasks that have not been hidden from view.

All:  Show all tasks unfiltered in the table.

Complete:  Show only tasks that have been completed, whether they have been hidden or not.


The following attributes are available in the editor:


Priority:  Free form number with significance only to the end-users.

Task Name:  The friendly name of the task.  While the task name is not required, but should be specified.

Due:  The date the task is expected to be completed by.  If a task is due today, the task name and due date will become bold.  If a task was due before today, it is considered late and the task name and due date will become bold and red.

Status:  The status of the task.  The status options are defined on the module settings using a semi-colon separated list of values.  The first status specified on the module settings will be used as the default status for new tasks.

Completed:  The date the task was completed.  If the task has not been completed, a check box will be displayed, and checking it will mark the task as complete.  If the task has been completed, clicking on the data will prompt you to mark the task as incomplete.  After selecting yes, you must save the task for the change to become final.

Modified:  The date the task was most recently updated.

Comment:  The most recent comment that has been specified for the task.  Clicking the  button will open the event viewer, showing all comments and other events specific to the task.  To add a new comment, enter the comment into the text area and press Add Comment.

User Defined Fields 1-3:  Each task is capable of having up to 3 custom fields, as defined in the module settings.  For each custom field name specified in the module setting, a column will be generated for the task allowing custom data.  If a custom field name is changed or removed, the custom data will still persist on the task and no data will be lost.

Task Assignments:  All of the roles that have an assignment for the task.  A new task will acquire all of its default roles from those defined in the module settings, and the user that creates the role will be assigned as a notification assignment.  Every time the task is updated, each role in assigned to the notification roles will be notified of the changes made to the task.  If Enable Email Notifications is checked in the configuration settings for the module, then each role in the primary assignments and secondary assignments will receive an email notification daily indicating upcoming, due, and late tasks that have not been completed.  To assign a new role to the task, use the  button to open the assignment editor.  Select the roles you would like to assign to the task, and the corresponding  button.  Each assignment type is distinguished by color, as such: Primary Roles, Secondary Roles, Notification Roles


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