Instant Poll Configuration |
The Instant Poll module allows for the configuration of custom attributes in addition to standard module attributes.
For settings common to all modules please see the modules settings topic. Settings specific to this module are detailed below.
Users need Full Control permissions on the tab to configure survey questions.
•Question Type: Free form number with significance only to the end-users.
•Multiple Choice: This type of question asks users to select the best possible answer out of the choices from a list.
•Multiple Select: This type of question asks the users to select all the answers that apply out of the choices from a list.
•Score: This type of question asks the user to input a number as a form of an answer to a question.
•Text Answer: This type of questions allows the user to respond with a free from answer.
•True False: This type of question gives the user the option of picking either True or False as the answer.
•Question: This is the question that will appear to the survey respondent.
•Answer Options:
•When Multiple Choice is selected this must be a semi-colon separated list of values that will appear with radio buttons to the respondent.
•When Multiple Select is selected this must be a semi-colon separated list of values that will appear with check boxes to the respondent.
•When Score is selected this must be a semi-colon separated list of whole number integer values that will appear with radio buttons to the respondent.
•When Text Answer is selected this can be left blank or a default answer can be entered.
•When True False is selected this can be left blank for the values True and False to appear or you can semi-colon separate two values instead like Yes;No
Once the survey results have been processed you can click the Clear Results button to delete the data and start over.
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