
  File Explorer Configuration




The File Explorer module allows for the configuration of custom attributes in addition to standard module attributes.


For settings common to all modules please see the modules settings topic.  Settings specific to this module are detailed below.


Settings specific to this module are detailed below:


Folder Path: This is the fully-qualified UNC path to the folder that contains the documents to display.

Use Windows Credentials: This option toggles whether the module should use the Active Directory credentials of the authenticated user to access the folder structure rather than service account credentials.  Regardless, whichever account is used needs to have at least read access to the target folder.

Allow Changes:  If checked, the end user can create folders and upload filesIf unchecked, users will only be able to navigate the folder structure and download files.

RemoteApp Code: Optionally, provide the contents of a Remote Desktop shortcut file which have been parameterized to open the selected file in a Remote Desktop session to allow remote file editing or viewing.  When supplied with appropriate syntax you may configure the module to launch the individual files in a fully interactive Windows Explorer instance hosted on a Remote Desktop Session Host.  The end user must have file access to the folder structure and logon permissions on the application server.

The following tokens that can be used in the RemoteApp code attribute:

#WINDOWSUSERNAME# can be used as a place holder for the Active Directory user name of the current user.

#WINDOWSDOMAIN# can be used as a place holder for the Active Directory domain name of the current user.

#COMMANDLINE# can be used as a place holder for the fully-qualified path to the selected file name.


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