The Blog Manager module is used to create and manage permissions for blogs. Blogs articles are edited separately via the Blog Module.
This module functions outside the realm of the normal permissions hierarchy. It can be viewed only by a user with membership in Site Administrators site-level roles with no regard to permissions assigned to the tab on which the module is placed. For more information on the roles referenced in this section please see the role based security topic. Administrative users can configure additional module settings by clicking the button.
This module presents a sortable data grid that allows you to view and maintain blogs and manage blog editing permissions.
Adding New Blogs
To add a new blog members of the Site Administrators role click the
button which will open the blog editor and allow an administrative user to define the details of the new blog.
Editing Existing Blogs
To edit an existing blog members of the Site Administrators role click the
button which will open the blog editor and allow an administrative user to define the details of a new blog. When editing a blog, it is important not to change the name of the blog, as it will break RSS links. It is always safe to change the description and the image URL. Press the
button to save the blog.
Deleting Blogs
Deleting a blog will remove all blog content, including articles, resources, and tags. This will also invalidate all RSS links and browser shortcuts.
Blog Attributes
The following attributes are exposed through the editor:
•Blog Name: A unique name that will be used to identify the blog and appear in the URL. This blog will be the root for a grouping of blog articles you can subsequently define in the Blog Module.
•Description: A short description to provide context for the blog articles to be contained within the blog.
•Image URL: The URL to an image that displays at 16x16, 24x24, and 32x32 for use in identifying the blog.
•Published: A value indicating whether or not the blog article has been completed and is viewable to the public.
Managing Blog Permissions
Clicking the permissions editor button will display the user interface for assigning role access to the blog. If a module is placed on a tab but the end-user is not in a role that has been assigned at least Use permission the module will not render for that user. Permissions for blogs include None, Use, and Full Control. The Use permission allows end-users to interact with the module on tabs for which they have at least read permissions. The Full Control permission allows end-users to place the module and configure it on tabs for which they have authoring permissions. Most common modules are assigned Use permissions to members of Anonymous Users and Full permissions to Authenticated Users and Site Administrators. Administrative modules typically have Full permissions to Site Administrators and sometimes additional permissions assigned to Security Administrators and Dashboard Managers.
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