
 System Configuration




Note: The System node will only be available to users with Security level permissions or higher.




SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Configuration


          SMTP Configuration is used to configure an email account on the system to allow pasGuard to send emails.


oSMTP Server:  The address of the SMTP server used for sending emails.

oSMTP Port:  The port used to connect to the SMTP server.  Typically this is 587 when using SSL or 25 for basic.

oEnable SSL: Determines whether SSL or TLS encryption is used.

oSMTP Account:  The SMTP account user name used for sending emails.  This is usually in the form of an email address.

oSMTP Password:  The password for the SMTP account.


Administrator Email


          The administrator email allows the configuration of a system-wide contact for use with requesting permissions and other features which will require pasGuard to contact an administrator.


oAdministrator Email Address:  The email address for the system contact.  Multiple addresses can be separated with semi-colons.


When finished press Update to save the system configuration changes.




On first run, pasGuard will assign full permissions to Domain Administrators and the first user to run the program. Permissions assigned at this level will apply to the entire system. Permissions can also be assigned at the more specific Category, Customer, Product, and Credential levels. The Permissions tab will only be visible if the user is a member of a group assigned to either the Full or Security Manager roles at the system level. For a detailed list of the available permission types available at this level refer to the Permissions topic.


NOTE: Once initial configuration is completed only authenticated and authorized users will be able to use the application.


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