



After installation is complete you may be required to perform additional configuration depending on set of pasGuard features you wish to employ.  Some of the configuration can be made by editing the application configuration file and others will need to be performed using other tools.   The configuration file is title pasGuard.exe.config and is stored in the application installation folder.


An example of the default configuration is shown below:



<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!--Connection strings for pasGuard SQL Server database -->


<add name="gui" providerName="SqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=pasGuard;Integrated Security=False;User ID=pasGuard;Password=P@ssw0rd" />






Database Connection


If you wish to change the credentials used to access the pasGuard database, you will need to modify the connection strings stored in the application configuration file. 


The Data Source parameter names the SQL Server instance that hosts the pasGuard database.  The Initial Catalog parameter is the actual name of the pasGuard database.  If Windows integrated security is to be used the Integrated Security parameter should be set to true.  If Windows integrated security is not used, you need to supply values for the User ID and Password parameters.  In some environments you may wish to disable database connection pooling by adding the value ;Pooling=false; to the end of the connection string.


The default configuration is shown above is for illustrative purposes only. 


NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that the default login pasGuard be disabled in SQL Server and that Integrated Security be configured as the primary means of authentication.


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