
 Matrix File Manager




Matrix File Manager is used to upload files to and download files from remotely stored matrices through the use of the pasUnity product.


Endpoint Name - The name of the desired endpoint.  This will allow connection to a local or remote copy of the pasUnity product.


Matrix Name - The name of the desired matrix.


File Date - The date to display DropBox content and status for the selected matrix.


Mode - The mode for the matrix file manager.


Matrix Grid View


After selecting an endpoint name, matrix name, and date, the contents of the matrix will be displayed as a grid.  The cells of the grid are color coded to show existence and contents of a DropBox.


The colors are as follows:


Charcoal - No DropBox is currently present.

White - A DropBox is present with no completed tasks.

Pink - A DropBox is present and has failed at least 1 task.

Green - A DropBox is present and all tasks have completed successfully.


If a DropBox has been sent files to process, the corresponding cell will contain text indicating the status of the jobs.


T : Total jobs in the DropBox.

F : Number of failed jobs in the DropBox.

S : Number of successful jobs in the DropBox.


Upload Mode


Selecting Upload Mode will allow the sending of files to the pasUnity product for processing. 


In order to do so, the following is required:


DropBox - A valid DropBox must be selected from the Matrix Grid View.


Source File - The location of the file to be sent to the pasUnity product. Alternatively, the current workbook can also be used as the source file.  The workbook is required to be saved after selecting the current workbook option.


Target File Name - The name which pasUnity will recognize the file as having.  The default option will be the name of the currently selected file.


(optional) Tag - An optional tag value for the file in the pasUnity product.


Once all required fields have been completed, the Upload button will become enabled, and selecting this will immediately send the file to pasUnity for processing.


Download Mode


Selecting Download Mode will allow the downloading of files from the pasUnity product.


In order to do so, the following is required:


DropBox -  A DropBox containing files must be selected from the Matrix Grid View.  Once a valid DropBox is selected, the File Grid View will list all files and additional information for the file, including the upload date, file size, and job status.


File - Once the File Grid View has displayed files, select the desired file to download.


Folder Name - The destination where the file is to be downloaded.  The default location is the current users Documents folder.


File Name - The desired name for the file being downloaded.  The default file name is the name of the file in the pasUnity product.


Once all fields have been completed, the Download and Download & Open buttons will become enabled.  The Download button will download the file, while Download & Open will download the file, and open the file in Microsoft Excel if applicable, or it will open within the corresponding default program for the file type.


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